
I finished Dave Cullen's book Columbine which was fitting given the events that happened on live tv in Virginia this week. Cullen's book was eye opening and put a lot of things in perspective but also showed how these stories continue to evolve long after we stop paying attention to them which makes me wonder how many

I love the inclusion of Isaac Jaffe and Sports Night but you miss the true display of why Isaac is a great boss which is seen in the "The Hungry and the Hunted" where Isaac calls Jeremy out for not standing up for himself about his hunting assignment and when Jeremy claims he didn't want to make waves because he had

I really thought "Love is a Battlefield" was a joking title for this episode.

Elizabethtown is still one of my favorite films.

That's a fair point. Having it survive does change the ideal of Camelot.

It is in my stack of books. I just finished a fiction book so now I am onto non-fiction Columbine by Dave Cullen. I'm probably 50 pages in. The early part of the book is so hopeful that you are actually filled with a sense of dread and you keep turning back to the dedication page to see if this wonderful person Cullen

Whatever you need to keep telling yourself as long as it results in watching Predator every week.

I think at this point your mood is irrelevant. You kind of owe it to us to keep watching Predator.

Those people think Dr. Dre is Eminem's producer and that Ice Cube is a shitty actor. They recognize that they have a past, but they don't understand the significance.

But that doesn't seem unique to First Knight, the story and idea of Camelot in general is this idea of the city on the hill continuing on no matter the reality of the situation. Camelot ends with Arthur sending the kid out into the world to tell the people the legend of Camelot.

Indeed. So many better ways they could have gone with that casting.

hip hop fans?
It is hard to imagine any hip hop fan over 30 being there and not knowing.

I don't think I want to live in that universe.

You jumped over Connery's turn as Arthur in First Knight which despite Richard Gere will always be my go to film and contains one of my first cinematic crushes of Julia Ormand as Guinevere.

Any demographic breakdowns you can give us about the Straight Outta Compton audience? I have a sneaking suspicion that the further we get away from the AIDS epidemic of the 1980's people are going to less likely to connect AIDS with the deaths of but for a select few (Freddie Mercury) and the lives of but a select few

Would it be a fair assumption that if you don't post this for 2 consecutive weeks that you have died or are in a coma?

http://www.tekilaklub.com/i… I saw that for the first time today. Obviously that person is an idiot, but they rate BTTF 2 and 3 significantly less than 1, which is blasphemous.

I watched the first four episodes of hitRECord, Joseph Gordon Levitt's show. Almost all content is crowd-sourced and Levitt usually sets a topic and sees how people respond. There are a couple of short films within those early episodes that are particularly affecting. The first episode contains a beautiful video of a

Hey, all Barbie needed to come back was deep tongue kissing… that is totally believable. He just needs to make sure he doesn't kiss the hotter Eva who somehow has completely morphed into Natasha Henstridge from Species. Seriously, I think that scene where she jumped on Big Jim was a shot for shot remake.

Halfway through this particular episode I seriously started to wonder if this season was specifically designed to make the ending from the book seem less sucky.