
Yeah, I thought about mentioning Sandow. But, they seem to find something for him to do whereas Axel keeps getting shoved aside.

Is Flair on Tough Enough official? Seems like WWE is missing an opportunity to add some color to that show. (Especially the week after they voted off the black guy).

My main reaction was hoping that we lost a pretty terrible Hulk Hogan gimmick account… but i know i'm not that lucky.

I think the nature of Hulk's comments pretty much limits the talent pool of people who will be replacing Hulk on Tough Enough.

Unless Vince feels personally insulted by someone there is always a chance they come back.

Yeah… i've been noticing Alfred in Origins has been a little more like Michael Caine than like Michael Gough.

Definitely challenging… it took me about 20 attempts to beat Deathstroke on normal.

In the rain… with a brooding shirtless man just out of focus in the background.

I've been largely ignoring country music for a while, but based on what I'm seeing I'll definitely check out this album as well as her Vince Gill produced album.

Can you imagine a Nicholas Sparks 9/11 Graphic Novel? My panties are wet just thinking about that! (and i'm a non-panty wearing man!)

I'm not too immersed in the comics related to the Vietnam War but I'd love to see the works of Tim O'Brien get turned into a comic or a graphic novel. Nothing overtly supernatural and even superheroic just the stories of one man as he tries to make sense of what the Vietnam War meant and how he could cope with it.

Certainly one of my strongest memories from that movie.

My weekend game will be Arkham Origins, I've played through City and Asylum and although seeing criticisms of Origins I don't really find the combat all that different. The storyline seems like a more obvious attempt to get me to fight as many bosses as possible, but I appreciate that they are lesser members of

To answer the posed question: I am also in a very similar situation:

Rembert Browne was actually really good on his own rather than sidekicking for Bill. His Ferguson and Baltimore podcasts were great.

Damn. I was hoping once he gets to high school he isn't quite the prick he had been. I've seen evidence of maturity the past couple of seasons, but my memory of the later seasons has dimmed… so we'll see when I get there.

How did the backstage one play in the arena? Do you just sit there and stare at the jumbotron?

Yeah, if I did these more regularly i'd definitely be focusing on the supporting cast more than I would Fred Savage. As I've indicated it seems that Fred relied heavily on "be a dick" for his character motivation.

Indeed. But, this one was about a decade prior.

LeBron James should do more comedies now.