
Reference Jurassic Park, I always thought it to be a classic in the TNT, TBS, USA sense of the word where if it is on one of those networks you are probably going to watch it no matter where in the movie it is. There are tons of classic movies in that vein and Jurassic Park is certainly at the top of the list of

Ask and ye shall receive:

Those Damn Chicagoans.

I enjoy Geek and Sundry. I watch Tabletop and Co-Optitude on a weekly basis.

Also, they posted Hulk Hogan's sex tape and refused to take it down. Hulk is suing them for 100 million dollars.

I won't out myself with specifics, but it is also unnerving watching someone criminally underage start to develop on national television and you keep thinking, "wow, she's going to be really hot".

For everyone except Madeline Adams i've switched into the, "hey that's a cute kid" mindset, but Madeline was making me uncomfortable. I am really glad she turned out to be 20. "I swear officer, she only looks 14 (by hollywood casting standards)!".

Out of curiosity to do you remember which episode it was that brought you back in?

Yeah, on this rewatch i'm realizing how much of a little piece of shit Kevin is most of the time. In an earlier episode I questioned if that was how he was written or if that sort of dickish indignation was what Fred Savage brought to the role.

Ohh, I definitely know where they are going to be, I just wish the mechanism for them finding us wasn't as easy… and sometimes I want to talk critically about Kirk Cameron's latest movie.

Yeah, add that to the Hulk Hogan stuff vs. their take on the Fappening and I'm ready for them to be a pop-culture afterthought. Shit. I'm realizing I know more about the Gawker shit than I originally thought.

I look forward to Presumed Innocent. I always read at a higher level than most people around me so I have found memories of that book and getting in trouble for sharing the anal sex scene with my friends.

I definitely understand where you are coming from.

Yeah, I tried to add them to my daily repertoire right around the time Jimmy Kimmel destroyed that one girl for Gawker Stalker. It never stuck and now they have just increasingly become more and more loathsome.


I haven't delved too deeply into the Gawker thing. Mostly because I dislike them enough already and I don't want to spend more time thinking about them.

My Internet has been shaky so it was a limited pop culture weekend for me. I was able to watch some The Wonder Years episodes late at night on Netflix and due to the grainy nostalgic nature of the show I didn't mind having to watch it in the low resolution that was actually working. I watched quite a few so I just hit

The Emporer describes it as fully operational, but even if it wasn't that 1 million number for the 2nd Death Star was researched, although I'm not sure where I found it.

It also occurs to me that to staff the Death Star (both I and II) those troops didn't materialize out of thin air. They had to come from somewhere, which probably meant troop reductions on the fringe systems as they transferred personnel to the Death Stars. So, even if the fleet was much larger than I am giving it

Frog people? Slippy from Star Fox? I didn't know they occupied the same universe.