
To say nothing of the fact that the Battle of Endor was a very large battle. The Rebel Alliance was throwing everything they had at the 2nd Death Star, and as a trap Emperor Palpatine would have had enough firepower there to destroy the Rebel fleet. However, as we see from the battle his plan was to destroy the fleet

If you are willing to go with the non-canon EU books I would say read the Zahn books in the order that they were released.

With smart-phones and tablets I think we are getting to a place in technology where we could actually develop a full version of Sabaac. I know they've had versions of it in the past, but I feel like the time might actually be right for one.

I do not acknowledge that this event ever took place.

I acknowledge having knowledge of these things happening.

I've been having a disturbing mental connection the past couple of days. Anytime I hear or see the name Chattanooga my first reaction is "Choo Choo".

2. This might have been from a non-canonical EU source, but I thought the Emperor was in greater personal control of, at least, the Endor Fleet than anyone imagined. That his dark Force abilities were making the fleet better than it actually was, and once that control disappeared so did the quality of the Empire. Now

I get the impression that it isn't going to be what they showed.

Are you Laura Linney?! I loved you in You Can Count On Me and your breasts in Love Actually!

I'm finally resolved to put a bow on Skyrim. This weekend i'll be finishing the main dragon quest as well as the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLC's. Once I do those I might drop in to do the random Dark Brotherhood Guild, Thieves Guild, or Companion quest but after about 300 hours of gameplay (admittedly wasting at least

Yep. I shouldn't care about the Nats, Wizards, or Redskins but Kornheiser exposing me to them makes them far more interesting than they are otherwise.

Kornheiser's radio show is great. Especially when he's actually not talking about sports.

Another great choice. I wonder if certain songs were left off because of length:
Last Kiss - 6:08
All too Well - 5:29
The Last Time - 4:59

I've been surprised by the lack of love for "You Are In Love". I wonder if that is because it was an exclusive track for the Target release? Or because it is the most traditional ballad possible in a time where ballads aren't traditional anymore.

Definitely on board with All Too Well. It has been in heavy rotation for me since it popped up among her other music and I actually listened to it.

Your help is much appreciated but neither of those worked. Even after making Ulfric non-essential I cannot kill him (by sword or by kill command). I tried the setstage last night and again today, that doesn't work. I tried placeatme Rikke and Tullius in Windhelm (say that was a possibility). Somehow I ended up with a

I think Origins is the next game I'll be starting so it is good to know that there were people out there who liked it. I'm mainly using the Arkham series for the story it presents with the gameplay being secondary.

I appreciate where you are coming from. I'm also dealing with my depression is relative isolation and the Soso storyline was hard to watch. Especially towards the end of the season as she was spiraling more and more out of control. It ended well as she was finally accepted, and I hope you find that as well.

Ugh. That command code just removed the questline but didn't result in the death of Ulfric. I'm trying to get my house in Windhelm and I cannot do it with Ulfric on the throne.

Thanks for all of the help. I went with cwobj 255 as it was the only one that actually worked. Next game I play i'll try to avoid doing whatever fucked it up.