
The Big Show has the size…. and could be funny.

The risk there is annoying children actors. True Grit worked so well because Hailee Steinfeld was fantastic, but it could have easily failed if she was anywhere near as grating as the original actress.

How about an Alexander the Great movie with Alexander played by Jason Alexander?

If anything take out the Grandfather/Grandson exposition and let the story play on its own.

I debated reporting your post. I decided against it. Just barely. Watch yourself, sir.

They could also make a storyline where Shmi Skywalker was just a slut and didn't know who Anakin's father was, but it turns out he was a human Sith. Hell, maybe even Palpatine himself.

Haven't played it… but the Batmobile does give me pause.

I spent the entire two hours watching this show texting back and forth with my sister comments like:

Not me… i came looking for the review after wanting to bail on this premiere about 10 times. My reaction was: Wow, that C is generous. They must be grading on a curve because it has a new showrunner.

#ThanksObama The coverage I have through Obamacare gets me mine for 8 bucks a month (plus my very reasonable premium).

It took me years (15 plus) to finally pull the trigger on doing it, but as Wheaton says you'll see a difference and be shocked at what you have been living with.

I'm cycling up on a new batch of anti-depressants so i'm feeling better than I have in years… although frankly that is a low bar.

I sadly have no idea where to procure weed. Maybe next lifetime.

The first time I saw Wheaton with that beard I was wondering if he backslid with his depression and stopped grooming himself.

No… and if people remember some of my past posts about relationships you wouldn't want the girlfriends i've had.

It is a trade off… either I can cope by sleeping hours on end or I could have lost weight… my depression chose the sleeping.

How about we switch jobs so I can find out?

Which sadly resulted in your realizing you are into breath play and made for an awkward erection anytime you saw your cousin at Thanksgiving.

Agreed… I go to a 90 year old Freudian who is into hypnosis but has never successfully hypnotized me.

All of those are sadly approaches people take.