
For some reason I am irrationally angry at Tom Cruise and Scientology right now. When Wheaton details the fog he was walking around in I cannot help but think of similar people who are harmed and scammed by Dianetics when they might actually benefit from the help of Mental Health Professionals.

From a purely literal standpoint only very few people with mental illness actually have a sense of delusion where they are incapable of recognizing that others are suffering from something similar. But, the feeling of "being alone" isn't one of true isolationism (i.e. I live on Mars and no other people live here), it

My big take-away from the show is the Divas stuff. I'm really hoping the Bella Twins, by giving their shirt to Alicia Fox, are about to start an NWO faction where essentially all of the Divas one by one join and get their shirt with Paige being left on the outside and targeted by the rest of the Divas until she

No… it makes me think that the wearer is trashy.
Give me a good old American Flag bikini.

To be fair the current iteration of the flag wasn't around during the last major massacre. Wounded Knee was in 1890. That flag only had 43 stars. There might have been subsequent events but not necessarily under this particular flag.

To say nothing of the fact that the premise of his show is to cover the news of the week once it has been covered by everyone else.

Wow. that is a special kind of crazy.

I can only imagine. I scrolled a little bit further down than the Anti-Semite and then decided I really didn't want to see what else was being said.

*Backs slowly out of this comment section and goes in search of one that is actually populated with AVClub regulars…

My guess is that he was trying to make some anti-Semitic inference about Jews controlling the media and the economy.

You misspelled "insipid".

I just scrolled through all of these posts to upvote every single post that defended my main man Jack Arnold. Hopefully I didn't miss any.

Jack Arnold.

What about Jack Bauer himself? He let his daughter get kidnapped and raped by a mountain lion.

Whitford and Arkin both in Noel easily make it one of my top 5 West Wing episodes. They play brilliantly off of one another.

Add me to the list! Hey, there are three of us now… we can start a petition!

Ugh. I'll crowd fund to get matching funds to keep Burton away from Batman.

Yep. I think about a lot of the life lessons he gives. Shit like that usually gets passed on piecemeal but never with as much specificity that would have to happen if you are about to die.

That was a period when The West Wing guys would show up in great little character actor parts. Also in this movie was Richard Schiff as a younger version of Keaton's father.

Easily one of my favorite movies. I'd always point to this when talking about how underrated Michael Keaton was basically leading up until Birdman.