
I have not… i'll give it a shot.

They set up season 3 nicely… I cannot wait for this show to come back. I'm desperately lacking on comedies right now and Silicon Valley was sooo good it made up for multiple shows. Now, I will hope for something to be half as good.

Ironically, part of his characters charm was supposed to be that he was a small town boy who moved away and that was to make him more trustworthy than Billy Bob Thorton's big city (Indianapolis) fancy lawyering.

I definitely was getting that vibe from him during this movie. It made me think of Tropic Thunder and how he is going to have to do something completely different to break away from any sort of comparisons to Stark or just RDJ.

Although the entire subplot about her takes up considerably more time…

Yeah. 2. Maybe a 3rd.

The Judge - I definitely see why Robert Duvall got an Oscar nomination for this, and I definitely see why this movie wasn't more of a critical success. Every element of the movie appeals to me but it still seemed like it was too long. Hard to know what they could cut to tighten it up (Leighton Meester?) but definitely

I was also really disappointed that it didn't star Miss Delta Burke.

Yeah, Don't Starve looks promising. I'm using the sale to focus on picking up indie games cheap and will only pull the trigger on big studio games if the deal is truly too good to pass up or to get DLC that I may have passed up on before.

Skyrim now and forever. Still not bored with it. Although i'm pretty OP at this point. Also the Steam Summer Game is always running. Bought two things from the sale already Guns of Icarus and Sir, You are being hunted.

Interesting… why 5 20 somethings would be singing about Pa Ingalls must have been quite an interesting story.

Not survive, but it could definitely be effected if you are eliminating a large chunk of a particular demographic from your audience so that they don't get that voice of influence. Imagine Chris Rock if he never heard Eddie Murphy who never heard Richard Pryor…

Yes. If that was Eddie Murphy's view. He's free to use his time the way he sees fit. But, i'm also free to walk out of that performance and Eddie Murphy is smart enough to know that the culture has changed so he wouldn't be making those jokes anymore.

Well, according to Seinfeld and some of the other comedians mentioned they prevent a segment of the population from seeing live comedy shows by certain comedians which could have a stifling effect on the next batch of comedians who might be developing their comedic voices without that level of involvement by their

A reference he probably doesn't get. Step back from the ledge my friend.

More shocking that you missed hearing it in the subsequent 20 years.

Was the AIDS story well known? This is the first i'm hearing it. Granted I was 13 when the song released but I was usually socially aware enough to know shit like that.

Ehhh, I thought The Stand was a pretty complete book. His latest works have suffered from a lack of direction however.

Hours upon hours of Skyrim and watching Two Guys and A girl on Youtube. Today was a heavy sports day. Champions League Final, opening game of the Women's World Cup, and the Belmont.

I wonder if he gets more calls for work now that Edward Herrmann has died.