
Yeah, movies from around that period were intentionally shocking. Like the Lifetime movie where Jo from Facts of Life gets curb-kicked by her abusive husband or another one where a battered woman was telling her story but it turned out she was dead because her husband killed her.

There was a Lifetime-esque movie that everyone denies exists.
It may have been a Movie of the Week on a major network.
It is about sexual abuse within a family and contains a line that over the years my sister and i have warped into, "Dad says if it is up the butt, it's not rape".

I remember it as well. But yeah, it was very short lived and often forgotten.

Ehhh, a lot people of a certain age (i'd say 28 to 35) are quite familiar with both of those things.

Thanks, I had two back at my house in Whiterun.
Not sure where I got them, as the Azura Shrine quest is still open.
It took me a while to get the Soul Trap to work and that delay in time made me a hungry vampire so everyone (including the guy who cures you) was trying to kill me. A had to feed on that jackass Elf in

Snake bites on penises?

Or the more frightening, "my uncle and I made pornos and he told me not to tell anyone".

Yeah, a lot of what is being listed were actually pretty significant pop-culture staples.

Skyrim - 112 hours in. I'm knocking away quests in bunches. I usually try to group location-based quests together so i'll spend a day in Solitude doing 5 different quests. I became sidetracked however once I contracted Vampirism and had to figure out the cure and how to trap a soul in a black gem. I'm ready to get

I think my cousin Tom is serving 30 years in prison for "digital immediately under the covers."

Indeed. I fell in love with New Ygritte and the Giant in this episode. One is fortunately left.

Skyrim - Not getting bored yet. Working my way through a lot of quests and getting my bank up. I own two houses now and easily a 3rd whenever it becomes free. Dragon battles are so easy for me, but i haven't tried to kill any giants recently.

I'm actually embarrassed that I own these albums and used to be able to quote them.
In retrospect the comedy seems barely like comedy and more of Sandler just doing his sthick.

I saw the references to the Gawker story last week and went looking for it. While I don't trust Gawker as a source it was a constant in the back of my mind while watching this episode.

After a while the quests start to overlap in location so if I plan appropriately I can knock off a couple in the pursuit of one major quest.

Fitting to this discussion I have been playing and will continue to be playing Skyrim. 78 hours in so far. In order to limit any anxiety I am trying to be structured with my quests and making sure I complete on major quest at a time unless they over lap. I have currently completed 27 quests and 110 objectives and now

I may have just watched the first 10 episodes of this show since this article was posted.

Mel Torme was more of an 80's obsession.

I remember Jennifer Grey and the generic Scott Foley role not played by Scott Foley.

Are they all on youtube? or did you have other sources?