
Not to be overly crass but this is actually a show I would now watch.

Skyrim - I'm progressing quickly now. Dragons are no problem for me, but I still get my ass handed to me by the occasional troll or Chief. I've fully furnished my Whiterun home and I've started the quests to get me a home in Windhelm. I'm using my shouts effectively, but I am still figuring out which ones are of the

That's how it worked in this one. I needed 5k to pay the Jarl's boy that gave me the key to the house.

No… i did not know that.

Things that accurately reflect the time they are in. For instance, I love Holiday Inn but I get very very disappointed if I am watching it on tv and they don't show the Abraham Lincoln blackface scene. It is integral to the plot yet it constantly gets cut out because of the taboos over blackface.

I really wanted my first house.

Skyrim - I've been playing for 15 hours. I've killed a single Dragon. I bought my first house which is kind of dumpy. I wish my Assistant would dust the cobwebs since i'm giving her a place to stay. I just had a dilemma: help Saadia or help Kematu. I turned Saadia over to Kematu and then promptly killed him which

Company of Heroes Online - I was obsessed with the Beta and quickly developed and maxed 3 character types. Joined a guild and was playing regularly, and then all of a sudden THQ had a really bad earnings report and scrapped it and a free-to-play online WWE game as well.

Ehh, i've been seeing it a lot and sometimes it is believable and sometimes it isn't.

Kraft is the type of guy who is happy with 5 inches and a thick wallet.

… this wouldn't fly as a summation because of the potential of football fans on the jury and i'd lose them if I called them pig boys.

I'm more bothered by the fact that the Commish has actually ignored the stated penalty for this alleged infraction which is 25k + other stuff. No where is it being reported that Brady has actually been fined the amount required under the NFL rules.

I also admit that I'm not "rational minded" in the traditional sense. But, I'm very legal minded so when you use a legal standard i'm going to attack it from a legal argument.

We do have a fundamental difference because I actually applaud the ingenuity of the Patriots. Whether it is two-tight end sets or exploiting a substitution rule and declaring certain players eligible or ineligible I appreciate the thought that went into it and the mind that created it. I recognize that I might feel

I'm not trying to absolve anyone of wrong-doing or prove he didn't cheat. I don't know what happened, and personally I never will I'm just saying that the report doesn't do enough to implicate them and doesn't do it in a fair way that allows them to avoid criticism. You say it is clear and makes sense. I say it

I'll be honest. If I had a billion dollars I wouldn't need a large penis.

Fair point… but anything less than an admission would have be considered a cover up by the NFL.

I didn't bring it up until I was challenged as not knowing how the investigation process works.

I've actually heard Prosecutors make the argument in conference with the defense. But, they do take additional factors into account: friendliness towards cops, priors, etc.

But Tommy, how can they expect you to throw the balls and be in charge of the air inside?!