
If I were to claim it i'd say $1B liquid, because those posers who base it on assets are chumps.

"On the other hand, I can't help but notice very few Pats fans…oh, sorry, I mean "people very concerned about the integrity of the game" suggesting what should happen."

Do i understand your argument correctly: The NFL ("an organization worth in excess of $32b that has an investigator, an arbitrator, a players association, a very specific method of due process, etc decided that you're wrong.") said it so it must be true?

"There's a system set in place…"

The traditional response is that they only beat the Ravens by 4 points.

Whipped it with a switch. But in his defense he was wearing a short skirt.

Actually the "it's just weed defense" is pretty effective in certain jurisdictions… you just don't necessarily phrase it that way.

Maybe it was just a lack of punctuation.

Although I will say I use the Well's Report logic with every new gun incident George Zimmerman gets himself involved in I become more and more convinced he got off for Trayvon.

Didn't Brad Johnson recently admit to paying guys to doctor his balls during the superbowl run?

Or Garoppolo proves himself to be heir-apparent and we set up for a QB controversy. Remember, we were on the verge of one after the Kansas City game.

Olivia Munn

I'm seeing quite a few AVC regulars…. there is an influx of people i don't recognize but certainly a bunch i do.

My concern about the draft picks is the timing seems suspect. Clearly the NFL knew the result of the Well's Report prior to the draft which was Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The report was released on the following Wednesday. If the NFL was truly believing they should punish the Patriots why not take away their

Fair point… i could also claim an 11 inch cock and being a billionaire…

Speaking of 25k it is actually interesting that Brady wasn't fined 25k because that is the one punishment that the rules actually state is mandatory for this type of infraction.

This chain took a turn.

My condolences. I actually live in Steeler Nation so i do pay attention to what you are going through.

Well… I always took issue with the statement that it "clears and exonerates the Patriots from wrongdoing"… while it does explicitly say Belicheck as Coach had no involvement with the potential deflating of footballs it was critical of the team/organization for not being as forthcoming as they wanted them to be.

I actually have conducted investigations like this (maybe not on this public scale… but actually probably on a larger actual scale)… when I've prepared the reports I usually make it a point to actually include full transcripts of the interviews and provide full context for comments and conclusions being made.