
My view of Goodell couldn't get any lower after the Ray Rice Fiasco, so i'll just renew my statement:

Yeah, you'd think a skeptic would question the validity of the report due to the inconsistencies, leaps in logic, potential biases, etc.

Yeah, the 1st rounder seems overly punitive. Granted it'll be in the 28 to 32 range, but still…

Or it was clear that QB's recognize that the low level staffers often don't get paid that well and that getting perks from the team and QB's in particular is a widely held practice across the league.

Dany has an Army that might one day someday march on King's Landing if she can ever get her former slaves under control.

Roose is evil, scheming, and power hungry. Ramsey is just bat-shit insane.

I'm really close to declaring Stannis as my one true King. I see the claim Dany has to the Iron Throne but Stannis seems like more and more of a leader that I can get behind. His only knock is the crazy Fire Priestess, but since Dany is the Mother of Dragons it is entirely possible Stannis aligned himself with the one

Maybe we'll see his whore wife Myra.

`I also heard "Auschwitz"… but i guess we'll have to trust those that actually speak German.

You know the saying: old enough to bleed… old enough for me…

Getting in before the spoilers and I never revisit this page.

Music with overtly Christian/religious themes. While I think most Christian Pop is awful older stuff like hymn's and Christmas carols and even some country that leans into the religious without being pandering (pandering examples: That's what i like about sunday's —- and others in the vein of those idiots who pander

The main argument that supports it all being a dream is that everything that happens prior to the first appearance of the Flesh Monster is actually kind of ridiculous.
- Jane and Louie's interaction with the rude lady in the Dr.'s office.
- Grodin's lack of a reaction to Jane's feelings/visual hallucinations.

I have Dish, but actually watched live last night. Usually with Louie when I do record it I record a later airing, and then under the recording options I make it start 3 minutes early and end 3 minutes late. But last night Dish had Louie scheduled to start at 1035, and i feel like it actually did. But, again, if I was

I love Ginsburg and I love Portman. But, Portman doesn't have the acting chops to pay tribute to RBG.

Wow. Just caught up on this. I wonder if this makes them rethink Whitlock's contract and theundefeated.com

Huh? What's this got to do with Bill Simmons?

I don't refuse to believe that the footballs were deflated, I just think absent actual evidence the NFL cannot make its' case without speculation and the fact that they dismiss alternate theories out of hand bothers me. If the NFL was a trustworthy institution i'd be more apt to take their word for it. I don't trust

Don't you have an obligation to introduce him to the team while they are down so he can appreciate the success?

Yeah, but then there were games that could appeal to everyone… like Ducktales.