
Indeed. I knew I was going to get corrected either way but mainly wanted to make the point about how often Motown recycled their songs.

Yeah, Cena's not dropping the US Title anytime soon since his entire new t-shirt is about the title. But, hopefully that keeps him out of the main event.

What value do you get out of simming a month at a time?
To me i'd feel like I was losing out on the opportunity to try to best the computer. Since I drafted my own roster, and since it defaults and makes you select 24th out of 32 teams my draft no matter how good it was can create a team as strong as someone with a

It is a good thing he was with Atlantic and not Motown because then he would have done even more covers that had been done by 10 other people.

I really hope Penn played Frank and not Joe. Just don't see him as Joe.

I have still to yet see a truly great version of The Three Musketeers.

Yeah, and when Predator does that thing. You know which one I'm talking about.

Obviously the parts with Predator.

One of these weeks i'm going to beat you to that and see how you react.

Ready to kill myself. I just spent the last 2 hours explaining why we can't sue somebody to my business partner. Before that I was cooking all day in preparation of the holiday. So, i've most definitely not been consuming pop culture this weekend.

I will not use proper grammar when rocking out to Mariah. I. WILL. NOT. DO. IT.

Narnia for life!

Thanks. I hope the playlist worked as well for you as it did for me.

The age difference wasn't that much of a problem (she was also home schooled so her socialization was limited anyway, but not in the way that made it hard for us to connect). The fact that she was schizophrenic? Again, not much of a problem (long term it would have been given her refusal to deal with it). The fact

I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it.

Injuries suck. I've been playing NBA2k15 and during a back to back against the Atlanta Hawks my MVP front runner Power Forward Kenneth Faried shattered his ankle and will be out 4 to 6 months.

Motown Philly - I'll end my posting on this one.
My favorite Boyz II Men song and also related to the news of the week as Stephanie from Full House did a dance performance to this song once.

A Song For Mama. I've always liked this song. Interesting because of the strained relationship I have with my own mother.

It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday - is it possible Boyz II Men led me into my obsession with old school motown and soul?

End Of the Road - I used to think the dude with the cane was the coolest dude on the planet. Any time he gets featured it is hilariously funny in hind sight.