
I wouldn't call him a scene stealer. But, I would call him a traditional fool and given the opulence of the setting I think the disgusting nature of Keaton's performance does better to set it apart from the main story.

I've actually seen those stage productions in a modern setting with flashlights rather than swords and I must say I didn't get that vibe at all.

Indeed. I'm not saying Roberts should have won, but i'm hard pressed to find an unnominated performance that deserved a nomination over Julia Roberts that year.

First day was great. 2nd day was chalk. Today i didn't even bother because I was busy with other stuff.

I wanted to dispute the Julia Roberts Oscar nomination, but looking at the films she was up against it was an incredibly weak year for female roles.

Fillion seemed like he was the only person who watched the Branaugh version and at times actively tried to copy Keaton's performance.

I watched the Joss Whedon production of Much Ado About Nothing. I'm not one of those people who worship at the Altar of Whedon so I take his work as it comes liking some more than others and really not having an opinion one way or the other about him as an artist. So, coming in my only bias was that Much Ado About

Yeah, but they already did that with Palin. Palin's dissection by the 24 hour news cycle is exactly why a Sue Sylvester would have a very hard time being vetted during a campaign. Which leads me to believe she'd have to have been named at some point into Bush's presidency where the spotlight is a little more forgiving.

It is worth it… which makes the ending sucking all that much more of a slap in the face.

So Sam got the teaching spot and Jesse got Rachel because we are supposed to remember their chemistry (a great performance by Groff) but forget how much of a dick he was.

Or he'd be considered the guy lucky enough to be on Lea Michele's arm and that would be his life.

Okay, I remember that now. Well, unless they planned on killing Finn off there was definitely one thing that probably changed about that.

Opposite side of that coin… would he have died when he did if he wasn't on Glee?

My biggest disappointment of the show as a whole is that we didn't get an episode focused on Brad the Piano Player.

The death of Cory Montieth may have forced a change to his ending. Although a couple hours removed I cannot tell you what the last shot actually was….

Other than the giant FUCK YOU right at the end of HIMYM the Finale was actually very good.

What annoyed me about that scene was Mercedes saying something about their being so few other people of color, then they cut to Season 1 Black Guy, BUT then she turns the corner and you see Karofsky and Mercedes I's football player boyfriend round the corner.

I choose not to remember the craptastic episodes and story arcs, I'll remember things like "Key Dollar Sign Ha" and Rachel's eye brows in the flashback episode.

By my count 4.
1. Season 1 black guy
2. Puck's half black brother
3. Mercedes II
4. Mercedes I's football player boyfriend.

Season 1 black guy did more in these episodes than he did in all of season 1.