
Musical numbers, Brittany one liners, Brittany dancing, and random throw away moments from various cast members.

My youtube history has chucks of Glee videos. Run Joey Run often gets rewatched.

Seriously, what strange hell has to occur that Jeb Bush has Sue Sylvester as a Vice President and running mate in 2020. My main concern is that I cannot see Sue Sylvester being rehabilitated enough to be on the ticket in 2016 (given how Geraldo tore her apart), which means that somewhere in the first term of Jeb's


Recognizing it from Bugs Bunny doesn't mean you understand the literary link behind it.

It was up in the air, but either possibility is believable.

I'm blanking on The Princess Bride reference… when/what was it?

I cannot get the 3rd part of the serial killer story to trigger yet. I'll probably break down and look it up next time i play.


I think teaching kids how to make George/Lennie references should be part of Common Core. I get sooo much mileage out of them but they often fall completely flat because my audience is illiterate.

The Malkovich/Sinese movie will always be definitive for me. Not because it is better than any other version just because it hit in a particular time in my life that stands out.

The show mentions it when Archer doesn't.

I'm scanning the comments now hoping to also see a Rural Juror mention.

More like Quadroon.

What does A.B.C. Club stand for?

In years prior I've always been surprised that given his Burt Reynolds obsessions he barely mentions Deliverance (maybe once while bow fishing with a kickass vest on) and barely mentions Smokey and The Bandit. It seems as though he usually focuses on the lesser known films.

Also, the M*A*S*H character is Spearchucker Jones, not Spearcatcher.

When they panned down to Ray's new hand I did my best Scooby Doo read of "Conway Stern!!!!!"

I loved the M*A*S*H discussion and I really loved the Of Mice and Men references.

A waste of a solid actress who I believe can sing as well.