
Yeah, Zuckerberg was definitely a ruthless dick. We just tend not to care because the persons he absolutely screwed over (The Winklevii) are preppy jocks that most of us have a natural disdain for. But, objectively Zuckerberg does not look good not just the devaluation of Saverin's stock but potentially the Chicken

Generally about Demos:

Yeah, that a former Treasury Secretary could be such a dumbass with "just come up with another idea" was a very nice element to the story.

Yeah, my memory of her ass in that opening scene with Timberlake makes me think she has a career as an actress outside of those 50 Shades movies.

Glee very quickly became about the music and individual performances for me so as long as I was able to still grasp onto those I didn't have a problem sticking with it. Honestly, after a while I just kept tuning in to watch Heather Morris dance.

Rooney Mara was brilliant in that opening scene. I know for a fact that I rewatched that scene a couple of times just for her performance.

To answer the general question:

This question will be for the specific segment of AV Club readers who play sports games. NBA2k15 is currently under 20 bucks on steam.

Yes, but that was the most grounded Stinger Splash I've ever seen.

My assumption was it was Eugene's kickass van returning.

Spry… is granny spry.

Not to be an insensitive bastard but having a doctor around might be worth one battered family.

I was really pissed when Noah bought it, but I had a suspicion they couldn't go back with just tales of a dead son.

A Few Good Men is classic Sorkin, and the performances of both Cruise and Nicholson are delightful. Neither was quite to that stage of their career where they just played caricatures of themselves so they really delivered.

*whispers back*


I really like Jennifer Lawrence but i'm worried that she is being cast into roles that should go to older actresses. I'm not too aware of Serena, but while both Joy and the Speilberg flick where she's going to be a photo journalist seems like both those parts are just too old for her.

Not too much this weekend. I was traveling this week for business and didn't get home until late Saturday. While I was away I played Civilization V on my laptop, and then when I got home I played another hour to save to see if I could get the save file to transfer over to my desktop. It hasn't worked yet, but I'm

Since I just got back into gaming I haven't encountered any bugs and don't remember any major ones from before. Only bug i've encountered is in Arkham City where it glitches and the body of Deadshot's second victim doesn't appear where it is supposed to appear. But, it resolves itself rather easily.

She liked round numbers. She was trying to get 10k from her performance.