
So that's what they call a family
mother, daughter, father, son.
Guess that everything you heard about is true.

When I daydream about my future with Taylor Swift it often ends because I say something stupid about her being a mouth breather.

Please, more Star Trek.

Wait? There were trees in this episode?

Because Zombies and other dangers only exist when it is necessary to the storyline.

I see the value in an episode like this, because in reality a zombie apocalypse would probably be long long stretches of boredom followed by absolute terror. I just don't think they executed this particularly well.

I would have loved if the only person we saw actually eating the dogs was Glenn.

Agreed about Sanderson and the Reckoners series in general. It seems as though making the lead character bad at metaphors/similes is all he does for character development, and he just writes he's females based on what type of woman he wants to see scantily clad that week.

There's a scene in the first season that popped into my head about an hour ago. It made me really want to rewatch. Non-spoilers - it is just a very funny scene.

Check back in with this thread, or next weekends post about your final thoughts on Serial. I'm always up for talking about it.

My pop-culture intake is kind of limited this week end.

Bye Agnes.

Helix subthread:

Religion was only an issue because of my lack of religion.
She is actually an identical twin with middle child syndrome and an older brother who dominated the single mothers attention. Family politics were classically liberal. Father disappeared from her life shortly after birth which gave her some severe trust issues.

The reboot of Tomb Raider was 4 bucks of steam last weekend. So, i'll probably give that a shot.

What about a 2nd cousin who is 40 years older than me & now serving what amounts to a life sentence for child rape?

I don't know if you are a one-trick-pony or not, I just wanted to comment and reward you for making me laugh.

The best part is when they project all of their faults onto you. I never hit her (despite being hit myself), never yelled, and except for a handful of times I snapped and said something mean she would try to convince me that we were in an emotionally abusive relationship and that I was the abusive one. Learning the

Shit… unmarried male in my thirties… now i'm a suspected pedophile.

Upvoting because at 4AM your name really made me laugh.