
I tried to re-read my copy of Atlas Shrugged (because despite the politics i remember finding the story beautifully detailed). I picked up my book and saw the size 6 font and promptly put it back down.

Your guess actually doesn't strike me as correct. My hesitation of saying anything with certainty goes back to me shutting my mind down during that time.

You fuck. Fuck you. You may have just ruined that song for me.

I paid you in upvotes. I spread it out on the 5 nearest posts to this one.

Hmmm… Taylor Swift actually gives me an answer that is momentarily on point. There is that wonderful mashup of Blank Space and Style ( http://youtu.be/7m3o5LuFKxg )… anyway, the woman singing looks exactly like my one ex when she closes her eyes… there are maybe 5 or 6 points during that video where the resemblance is

1. The 1L was nervous about being put on the spot by the previous professor covering the class. You might know everything you need to, but when under fire like that things aren't quite as easy as they should be.
2. Other than learning the bill of rights in a civics class, this might be the first time she'd actually


My little bitch cousin ruined Shrek for me. She was 3 to 5 when the movie was out on video for the first time. While visiting I was watching, and anytime Fiona came on screen my chud of a cousin kept saying, "SHE HAS A SECRET".

I don't know how to feel about relationship # 3. I actually really like Taylor Swift and Friday Night Lights, but dear God… Key Dollarsign HA and Ayn Rand. That sounds brutal.

Again, not directly answering the question but I've said before that during and after dating a girl who claimed to be schizophrenic it became increasingly difficult to watch depictions of mental illness because I kept seeing her in the protrayals.

I'm fortunately able to compartmentalize, so as long as the media existed in my conscience before a relationship, no matter how important it was during the relationship I was still able to return to it eventually (I say eventually because there will always be songs that so perfectly encapsulate a time in your life

Some great great quotes from that movie (starting with that scene):

Indeed.That's one of the great threads of the movie.

Also Affleck's offensive speech in the rain to Joey Lauren Adams in Chasing Amy

Also Affleck's offensive speech in the rain to Joey Lauren Adams in Chasing Amy

Holy shit. Going through that list I was slapped in the face over and over again how much I love sappy romance storylines.

I don't think they have bad contract attorneys, i just think Williams had that much leverage the last time he did his contract that he was able to establish penalties depending on the breach.

My guess is the balance of his contract is substantial, and this was the harshest penalty allowed under the terms of the agreement.

Well, after watching tomorrow's episode to see how NBC deals with the announcement, I will be giving David Muir six months to win my heart.

Also the Kate Mara storyline with the piano teacher.