
I too would love that, but I fear that Boston Public would have ruined it by jamming some storyline about interracial love and tolerance into it.

Indeed, I wasn't endorsing Kanye's views, just saying I loved the moment. Mike Myers' reaction, Kayne's delivery, the quick cutaway. It was the perfect internet moment that was made for twitter. Only it was years too soon.

Yes, but the Slam Book implied he was STEPPING OUT on the one Asian girl.

That wouldn't be true to our relationship. I have to threaten him with a paper trail that I am creating.

Fuck Kanye. I loved the George Bush moment, I enjoyed the Taylor Swift moment, but now he's just getting ridiculous and seems like a petulant child.

I am now old enough that I have a buddy who is now on a tenure-track at a very prestigious college in New England, and during our conversations I often encourage him to engage in misconduct. I often reference our own college days (angrily because he's at our schools rival now), and remind him of the one particular

I vaguely remember one particularly good Lifetime Movie about this. The science teacher, played by Gary Cole, rear ends (no pun intended) a young students car, and then pays for the repairs off-insurance and has the mechanic put a cd player in the students car with a bunch of cds from lame artists of the moment to

Fyvush Finkel was the reason I watched that show.

Wasn't there another Student-teacher plot with Bianca Kajlich & the guy with the jew fro?

Not sure… i dismissed it as just being part of Tyreese's fever dreams.

I loved the kids will be kids defense followed by that graphic image.

I also enjoy how his leg is fucked up, yet he is still fast enough to outrun everybody else on the show.

A 9.3 isn't that far off from a B+. Essentially you gave this episode an A-.

There was more going on than just walkers over-running the community. All of the severed limbs and burned out houses seemed like setting up for a future storyline.

I was hoping for a visit from Herschel as a head sitting on the book shelf.

It seemed as though the entire episode was a gift for Chad Coleman. They knew they were killing him off and wanted to give him a shot at an Emmy this year.

The review is absolutely spot on…
beautifully shot and edited, but the narrative and the script were underwhelming.

If you subscribe to my theory of the case it is.

Indeed. Some of this music has also reminded me what a bad idea it is to loop song intros to turn them into ringtones. I had a great program on my computer back in the day that allowed me to get really price and really seamless with my looping so for years after those would be the ring tones.

Watched and enjoyed the normal friday night fare: Helix, 12 Monkeys, Glee, and Blue Bloods (guilty pleasure).