
Finished this a couple of days ago. I don't know if I think Steelheart was a better book because it was more three dimensional, or if I hadn't found the forced bad similies grating yet. But, in this book they definitely go to far, I'd prefer them to just be a part of David's speech and not written into the

Cool. I was just worried you were overlooking how insanely stupid some of the theories surrounding this case are.

In the context of the show the serial killer was just a door to test the DNA.

I think he should walk free (despite thinking he's guilty) because I think he's served the appropriate sentence for the crime he committed. He should have been charged with Manslaughter, but because the Prosecution were able to manipulate the facts and overcharge Adnan got a life sentence.

Late to the party, and it was actually hard for me to think of something because the way I consume pop-culture is usually very spoiler-rific so I have to go back into my early days to find something.

Yeah, it is confounding because the main person i am thinking of is highly intelligent with a head for politics, so the satire should have been right in his wheelhouse.

Spoiler-laden response:

I cannot fathom not having seen that until my senior year of college.


I saw there was a discussion of Gone Girl and immediately skipped to the next entry… usually I rely on my depression ravaged memory to save me from being truly spoiled, but for this movie i've actively avoided it.

That's interesting, I don't remember the sequence of book to movie for Starship Troopers, but my memory and conversations with others suggest that for a lot of people they miss the satire of the movie if they never read the book and just think it is a bad movie. My guess is that I knew it was a satire because I read

I think it is telling that the best episode of the season was the one that had the most songs. This episode had 8, previous episodes had 5, 4, 5, 6, 5 respectively. Glee is best when it is a variety show with the plot being a thread to move from song to song.

Yeah, the Jayma Mays stand in shot was bad… i think Glee is a cheesy enough show that they can get away with a soap opera style voice over: "The Part of Emma Schuster is now being played by Jessalyn Gilsig in a wig"

They needed to pair Rachel with someone completely new… using someone from the Finn casts is just never going to work.

He just guested on Big Bang Theory, so he's not adverse to acting (or sitting there)… but my concern is that Glee would have him be too much of a punchline for him to do it.

Yes, the soundtrack has been excellent this season.

Agreed… That was the spelling I expecting, but Mrglass is right with his concern, because Alan didn't know the work and they explained it by breaking into into parts and explaining what it meant like they had created it.

Indeed, I often wondered if it was an associated symptom of schizophrenia.

I used to love shows and movies about mental illness, but then I dated a girl who claimed she was schizophrenic. I say "claimed" because she was also a compulsive liar, so I had absolutely no idea what aspects of her life and past were real and made up.

A Christmas Carol with Mickey as Bob Cratchett.