
That's actually a good line. Sorkin would have written it better with a Gilbert and Sullivan reference, but that's why he makes the big bucks.

If you want to criticize Sorkin look no further than the giant waste of time that was the Sloan-Don-Toofer situation. So Toofer was bored and just wanted to fuck with everyone? All of that was well acted but completely useless.

The implication that anyone who disagreed with Libby's review is Aaron Sorkin was funny the first time someone made the joke. This however is at least the 4th iteration of said joke.

Also, why the hell does commenting on this site and offering my own grade require two different logins?

That is a valid point, and also a lot of Charlie's pushback to Ryan Howard's proposal. Ryan is essentially saying that a guy with a twitter account can do the job as well as a learned journalist.

Actually come to think of it #ifiwasgunneddown occurred later than the first old media reports about the killing, because that hashtag was a response to the photos used of young blacks who are victims of crimes.

If it is any consolation I think it is Hamm's to lose this time.

I forgot about the arms. Okay, Rick didn't have to kill him. But, what would the point of keeping him alive have been?

Assuming a broken back translates into a Walker not being able to walk, there are still dangers in a crawling walker.

Rick had a valid reason for running him down and shooting him: If he escaped he could have revealed their plans to Dawn and jeopardized the safety of the group.

Michael Brown was killed on Saturday. There were riots on Sunday. The main hashtag that went viral first was: #ifiwasgunneddown which happened in the hours after Michael Brown's shooting. The shooting scene became contentious almost immediate, and local affiliates were sent to the scene.

Seriously, Jim is going to have to rescue a box of kittens and puppies from a burning building while simultaneously arranging the smuggling of Neal back into the country in a shipping container to make me care at all about his eventual romantic relationship with Maggie.

What about Tech-savvy Boomers?!

Alan Alda and the choking chicken is the old Will McAvoy goes to Prison storyline.

"Ferguson certainly wouldn't have the news coverage it does without Twitter."

You can easily forgive the Cranston and Lewis snubs because they've won in previous years. Hamm never winning is the true crime, but taken outside of whatever Sorkin disdain you have Jeff Daniels' performance have been great, even if the material was lacking at times.

I just assumed like everyone else he saw the youtube video of Maggie shouting at the SITC tour group.

I think the bigger problem is that younger generations are unplugging from cable tv rather than unplugging from cable news. If Ryan Howard's new business model included 24 hour streaming content his goal might actually be met, but right now we look for twitter's reaction while we simultaneously look for mainstream

A Good Merlinpeen to you!

I was really expecting more out of Jane Fonda's visit to Charlie's office. Not enough banter.