
Sadly I wouldn't be surprised if my writing specialty WAS the intersection of Pop Culture and the Holocaust.

Took me a couple of seconds to place Toofer. I definitely knew that I knew him I just couldn't place him without Lutz and Frank.

I accepted the rush to the finish of the romances in Studio 60, but here pairing Jim and Maggie just seem unnecessary especially if they are done at the expense of two characters I actually like (Grace Mummer and Edward 40hands).

This post won't get near the upvotes it deserves.

I loved Sam's speech to Annalise. Tom Verica delivered the shit out of that speech and it was so hateful and believable.

As I was rewatching the first season of The Newsroom last week I made a startling discovery during the Bin Laden episode. The flight attendant Don butts heads with while stuck on the plane is the Boss from this show.

Best moment of the night for me was the reveal that Lyla was a notary.

Best line of the night: "We are thinking of getting into Bitcoin"

What was Sorkin's take on OWS, and why do you disagree with it?

Fonda was always the hippie billionaire but she just spent more time being concerned with the relationships she needed to have with Republicans to get laws like SOPA passed.

I think it is still in the early stages. To make that story line work they need to flesh out the leaker. You need to position the journalists against the feds but also against the leaker. Snowden and Manning committed crimes whereas Greenwald and Assange (who maybe committed different crimes) reported on stolen

She indicated that she had given an interview where they asked her about her diet and she lied saying that she ate much healthier than she actually did.

Who would you have preferred they cast?

I've been resistant to Muir because I find Williams so likable. Until his death Jennings was at the ABC desk almost my entire life, he started September 1983, I was born July 1982. Williams started in 2004, Jennings died in 2005. That year of overlap allowed Williams to be established so it was an easy switch for me.

Also, Neal was acting in the pursuit of a story whereas Hallie's offense was intentionally making a malicious statement because she wanted retweets. Those aren't at all the same.

Also Legal Ethics courses are actually very specifically structured to address issues within the law that aren't quite as obvious as she makes them out to be. Granted, if you approach the MPRE with common sense you should be able to pass even without studying (a fact proven by 6 out of 7 of my clinic mates), but

White male dad privilege might be what makes him perfect for the show, but that is probably my own bias. Cronkite, Jennings, and now Brian Williams are to me the mold of what a news anchor is. Daniels fits that perfectly.

I don't think Sorkin is truly done with TV. I think a 10 part miniseries would be perfect for his style.

Which they didn't show on screen.

Someone mentioned it in last weeks thread and we are now much closer to Clark Gregg showing up and saving the network. 4 billion dollars! Quo Vadimus!