
Is this piece of rough draft? The two first paragraphs basically say the same thing three times…

I thought KISS would be mentioned. Not because I think they were once good, but because I know Buzz thinks they were. And has a band ever blown it more spectacularly than on the 4 solo LPs?

Tuco had some firepower too, but a tiny piece of mercury fulminate and…

I see it as jubilation, but not in a "We got the bastard" way. More like in a "He will not be manipulating me anymore".

I knew Skinner was it from the first episode, only because Koteas is never cast in a drama to play a good guy.

My guess: either Kallie or nothing at all.

I don't know what it says about me or about the writing of the show, but when Saul met Estes's son and said "I like 'im", I heard alaikum.

I don't know what it says about me or about the writing of the show, but when Saul met Estes's son and said "I like 'im", I heard alaikum.

If Murphy and Falchuk had done this show anonymously, this pilot would be receiving a B+ at the very least.

Yes, that's what I mean. Why describe a scene before it happens? Because they're not sure we're going to understand the awkwardness? Because they think we're idiots?

Probably the replacement car from the garage where the Aztec is being repaired.

You know what would be funnier television than Jim telling us that Robert California does weird and stressful "pop conversations"? Showing us actual weird and stressful pop conversations. I'm getting really tired of those semi-mockumentary sitcoms letting narration drive the plot. Don't tell me how to watch the

"(N)ow we’ll see if (Gus has) planned ahead sufficiently to rule this new international network."

Tasha couldn't be more misguided about the Breaking Bad episode she's shooting down here. Unless she missed the last quarter of the show, and how it precisely located the moment where Walt went from a desperate, frustrated and frightened high school teacher to a merciless thug. The episode traced a line behind it and

The most Christian season yet
When a Christian says that he read in the bible that the most important commandment is "love thy neighbor", what is the good christian thing to do? Point out that that's not one of the ten commandments, or just let it slide?

Which itself was a remake of an excellent French comedy (Le Grand Blond Avec Une Chaussure Noire).

After season 20, I was hoping Probst would stir the pot a bit more and call some of the BS and flagrant distortions and lies he hears at tribal council, but having him strategize for the castaways is taking it a bit too far. The council where he had to tell Dan, Fabio and Jane that they should team up against Chase,

Walking around Atlanta
So walking half a block to get a bag of guns is a perilous affair that needs careful planning, but walking all the way to a hospital god knows where in Atlanta - twice in the same day - is fine and dandy.

Actually, there has been an instance of… shall we say homosexual curiosity, in at least four episodes so far. I'm almost expecting the finale to be about him coming out as bisexual.

Not to mention
The upcoming season will also feature special appearances by phallic objects jammed in MLP's mouth, Hunter Parrish's abs, and probably jokes involving feces-smeared genitals ('cause really, how can you possibly top the "genitals slammed in a desk drawer" jokes?).