
Ego was the wild card
If anything made this season different from previous ones, it's the massive ego of pretty much every contestant. If some of these people weren't naturally delusional/megalomaniacs before joining the game, they became delusional/megalomaniacs after becoming stars from being on the show once or

Green lights
I didn't quite know what to make of Walt's lumpectomy story either. But now that I think of it, I guess there is something in his current situation that relates to the story. Circumstances have been converging to take him quickly and effectively towards a destination he fears but cannot avoid. And along

Mister Murray Sir…
*Now* you have a problem with "way-too-on-point conversations and herky-jerky plot machinations"? All of a sudden, that's what bogs down an episode?

It's getting worse
I know I should be used to it by now, but I feel worse and worse about the implausibility of the interactions every week in the flashes-sideways. Every week, the dialogue in the alternate timeline gets heavier and more wooden, with leaps in logic peppered with wink-wink call-backs to lines and

But… But…
What about Post-Mortem and Raining Blood? Aren't they a pretty good reason to flip the thing over?

Right! What was I thinking having an opinion?

Hold it, I got it: Napalm Death's Scum should be on the essentials list with Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Death and Slayer.

Nothing against Anaal Nathrakh, but one of the five essential metal albums? Really? I don't know, I think Carcass made more "essential" albums than that.

You know you've got a stinker
when Justin Long is involved. When he's on my screen, I can actually smell it.

Way late to the party and noone will read this but…
I really want to know why Widmore and Eloise would be against using the temple's powers on young Ben a few episodes back, and why she wouldn't use the temps to bring her son back to life after she kills him.

The question
I think the answer to the question that started the whole article is summed up in the footage of the impromptu Deep Wound reunion: the band, that used to be purveyors of hardcore punk at its finest, just sounds old now.

Maybe it's just me, but wasn't NMH exciting *because* of the oddness, not in spite of it?

How? How!?
How did Fred Armisen make a name for himself in comedy? Doesn't everyone know at least four regular people who are funnier than him?

please, people…
Could everyone who does not know about GSL and does not care just stop posting and try not to pee all over this sad moment for us fans of DIY rock music?

That sample track
The opening seconds of Big Casino are EXACTLY the same as the opening seconds of Face to Face's 'I Won't Lie Down'. Then it's followed by every single thing you'd expect from an aging Jimmy Eat World.