
This season was seriously underwhelming. Lip’s storyline was pointless. Frank’s was no different or better than usual. Fiona is a completely pathetic person at this point; the writers have made her a needy, dependent woman that can’t function without a man in her life, and she no longer cares at all about siblings.

Isn't that how it works with Hannah's interaction with everyone on this show though? Would you be friends with someone like Hannah? Probably not. Most people wouldn't, yet we're to believe she is likeable and can find guys that want to be with her.

I think the writers do this on purpose in some subtle attempt to show how groundbreaking and different this show is. Notice two of the girls Adam has dated on this show would be considered "traditionally" pretty, yet Lena is overweight girl and isn't all that attractive, but she is the one who really captures his

That would be interesting, but to me it just seemed like Hannah went from being wrapped up in Adam to jumping to a new relationship with a new guy. I don't see much change there; granted she isn't in her unstable relationship with Adam anymore, but she is still unable to be alone and remains co-dependent. With a guy

What constitutes growing up though? The fact that she shot down Adam, even though they showed last season that he had outgrown her? Outside of that, literally nothing about Hannah has changed. If the only growth this show can put together is that girls can function without their boyfriends, I shouldn't bother

Because "Girls" mostly serves as Lena Dunham's fantasy, where she is awesome and gorgeous and wonderful, and everyone loves her quirky bullshit and thinks she is a wonderful genius. This show would be a lot better with a lot less Hannah.

@idiotking - I could not agree more. This is exactly why so many people have a problem with Lena Dunham, though. Hannah is the weakest character on the entire show and yet somehow she gets all the gratification that she would never get in real life, things always work out for her somehow, and all of the other

I agree with you, but I don't understand the need to have Adam plead for Hannah to take him back when he seemed like he was over her and ready to move on beginning in the middle of last season. It just seemed very farfetched to me. Maybe I'm asking for too much, but I would've liked to see character growth from Hannah

I'm late seeing the finale, so I'm late commenting here. As a fan of the show, I have to say, sometimes I find Lena Dunham's need to stroke her own ego really insufferable and this episode was one of those times. I could have done without Adam's sappy plea to get back together with Hannah, which was major overkill, as

100% agree with this. I love Shameless regardless of how unrealistic some of the storylines get, but Lip's college experience has gotten ridiculous. I also don't understand where they're going with his open relationship with Amanda. It looked like they were going to make her out to be some sort of savior for him,

This entire show is ridiculous, LOL. Shameless has never been deeply rooted in being a very realistic show. If we're going to fact check, the fact that Frank got a liver would've been the moment that the show jumped the shark.

I disagree with this. It doesn't kill the show to deviate from the same stereotypical storyline. They can always make Frank a scumbag again but I don't think it hurts anything to have him change his ways for a while. I would actually find it refreshing because it allows for new storylines and character development. I

I read an interview Emmy Rossum gave before this season began and she revealed that Frank is going to fall in love big time this season. I'm very excited about Bianca's character and this new angle.

I agree. I was team Jimmy, but now I'm thinking he just gets off on fucking with Fiona's head. Nothing he has done makes any sense.

I have no idea what to even think about Jimmy anymore. The writers have made him out to be her one true love by making it so that she only has her shit together when he is in her life, but they also made him cheat on her last season and he went from being completely involved with her family to wanting to run away

You're not wrong. On this show, the only other female character who was as promiscuous as Fiona was Karen, and she wound up pregnant. When they alluded to Ian being promiscuous it was supposed to show that he was mentally unwell, and the same could be said for Karen in a way (daddy issues), and here we have Fiona

You're right, I can't entirely fault V because Kevin admitted to having a virgin/madonna complex after she gave birth and that was definitely going to lead to trouble. But V has also done some stupid shit that wasn't justifiable or OK, such as hitting one of her infant daughters when they wouldn't latch onto her

I agree with you completely, but I have to say the fact that the writers went in this direction with V feels a bit like backtracking. They went from her being cold toward the idea of parenting, to taking in a foster child to appease Kev, and then they had her go on a "I want to be a mommy" kick, where she was so

I'm also curious what other people's take on her crying during sex with Jimmy and Gus was about. With Jimmy, I believe she still loves him so I took it as a mixture of being in love with him, missing him, and feeling so hurt by him. Fiona's world fell apart when Jimmy left. With Gus, it seemed to me that she doesn't

Yeah, I must be missing something cause I don't follow all these theories that Jimmy found the Gallagher's problems to be a joke because he couldn't relate to them. He tried to take Frank away because he thought it would help them/make them happier to not have him around, he constantly tried to give Fiona money to