
I thought it made sense since she uses sex to cope with her problems. Plus, I think it's without a doubt that she still really loves Jimmy, which is why she was weeping while they had sex the second time. Whether or not she'll take him back or ever be able to be with him after she let her guard down and he hurt her so

She is extremely annoying and I don't understand why they're dragging that storyline out so much. They went from having her father hate Lip to the two of them sharing a joint while having everything in common, now they're angling like she might experiment in lesbianism. As far as them having an "open relationship," we

I thought the same thing when she went from having unprotected sex with Jimmy to unprotected sex with Gus.

Yeah, I don't agree with the angle that Jimmy laughed at their problems because he was always so involved. He constantly tried to give Fiona money, paid for one of the kid's braces, took care of Liam, cleaned the house, cooked dinner, and contributed as much as he could financially. He dived in head first and they

I get what you're saying and partially agree. Jimmy has always had a little bit of a smugness to him, but I never got full-on judgement. I actually feel like Jimmy and Fiona clicked so deeply, so quickly because they both have fucked up families, just in very different ways. Jimmy has rich people problems.

The relationship between Mickey and Ian is so beautiful and touching, and in my opinion the best on television. The writers and actors do such an amazing job at portraying no-frills, authentic, pure love between two people. Mickey and Ian have been through so much together and at the end of the day, they just

It's not just you, I love Steve too. I think him and Fiona are meant to be together and he brought out the best in her. She hides Gus from her family, yet her and Steve lived together as if they were married and he very much helped her take care of her siblings. He has his issues and she does too but I think they

You make a good point about Lip seeing the other side being a good story arch. I wasn't that into his relationship with Amanda but considering that she can serve as his link to a better life on "the other side," I think that could be a great direction to take his character in. It also opens the door to some really

I agree. The scene with him in the dumpster made me really sad. There are so many scenes on this show that are so powerful that sometimes they're hard to watch, and for me so many of them involve Lip. I'm curious as to why Mickey was such a prick and put the pressure on Lip to go with him and his brothers to prove

I realize I'm jumping the gun in my opinion of Gus because we know practically nothing about him yet, but I feel like Gus is the same "safe" guy all over again. I love this show so much, but I feel like when it comes to Fiona's romantic interests, it's either straight up chaos or the stereotypical "safe" guy. My

I get it about Gus that he is supposed to serve as a foil, but I personally think it is a little bit weak on the writer's part that every good guy on this show is essentially the same guy. We don't know enough about Gus yet to know if he even is actually a good guy, but so far he is the same exact character as Mike.

I think I'm in the minority based on a lot of the comments, but I actually hope to see a Jimmy/Steve and Fiona reconciliation. Despite all of his bullshit and chaos, Jimmy/Steve balances Fiona out and she was at her best when they were together (i.e., her interest in going back to school, her landing the stable job

You're right, but I foresee a division between him and his siblings coming up in this season or the next. One thing all of the Gallaghers have in common is that they live their lives like tomorrow doesn't matter, and Lip is now realizing that it does. I feel like there was a lot of symbolism in this episode, and him