Dot Dot Dot

Interesting. Which Beauty and the Beast are you thinking of?

But does he solve crimes?

I wonder why the Mercers keep funding the pedo through disgrace after disgrace. Just to annoy us, perhaps.

I had so thoroughly forgotten that the sequel ever existed that I re-read your post twice and then thought you were joking.

I prefer the way Starship Troopers pulled that off myself—though I know at least some of the Starship Troopers fans also enjoyed it as a sincere endorsement of that sort of government. And I don't think the suggestion was that it was Wrong to make 300. But it's surely not a coincidence that so many of the folks who

There are thoughtful conversations happening from people who read the article but your foot stamping is also an option.

Great contribution.

I was disappointed with it. I thought it was boring. Too much slow-mo dragging everything out. It reminded me of too many capital-t-Tuff video games like Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

The movie opens with the utopian society throwing babies onto rocks for not being good enough for the superior nation and its superior race so I mean… yeah that's. Pretty fascist.

This article explains the association pretty thoroughly, but you can go with a strawman instead.

I read that Vulture article from the other day on how twitter is shitting all over YA novels lately. I felt an immense sense of relief at the fact that I have been blissfully oblivious to the turmoil happening comfortably beyond my spheres of awareness.

What is the Avocado? Google is unhelpful in answering this question.

That's interesting. I wonder if Kinja decided it's better for pagehits if people just start new discussions about the same things rather than nest conversations within conversations.

Nah, I'm just delighting in the fact that you don't have any actual retorts for people who met your challenge and I wanted to make sure you know we see what you're doing. :3

You did it again…

Why did you skip past people meeting your "challenge" to whine about somebody making fun of you instead?

Only illogical non-evolved emotion driven inferiors need to bother with effective communication.

I predict a moderate and unsightly turnout.

Well "check" to all of that…

You are hopping mad about mean things said about a person you know absolutely nothing about. We lose elections because of an overabundance of ignorance and misdirected rage, two things you have been displaying in spades.