Dot Dot Dot

I did see a partial eclipse near sunset a few years back, and that was impressive when glanced at since the low sun looked bigger and the atmosphere made it dimmer. Totality was a fantastic phenomena though. I'll definitely want to see it again when it goes from Texas to Maine in a few years.

But before the (1st half of the?) third season, people felt like their own characters with their own voices. Then suddenly everybody started talking like the same person. And the plot got so sloooow. I appreciated the show for its boldness but at the start of season three it really felt like it was treading water,

I have been curious about that since I liked the Red Dragon book and movies. Maybe I'll try to finish it sometime for that.

That is very likely. But it is her successful music career keeping her in Whole Foods money.

"The history of a linguistic form (such as a word) shown by tracing its development since its earliest recorded occurrence in the language where it is found, by tracing its transmission from one language to another, by analyzing it into its component parts, by identifying its cognates in other languages, or by

12-step, AIDS virus, CD-ROM, cell phone, cyberpunk, information superhighway, megapixel, MIDI, nuclear winter.

Golly, if there's anybody who can pull off a one-armed look…

Sure, though only if Jessica Walter wasn't available.

I really like her right now.

I am pretty sure she subsists on her very successful music career.

You'll never see Taco Bell meat the same way!

Well. I really liked a lot of the show for most of its run. But it lost me in the third season completely. It felt like it had gone up its own arthouse asshole with everyone talking like oracles, everyone finishing each others' poetry quotes—who talks like that?? It became insufferable. Will's motivations became

If he's not careful he's going to end up discarding his vessel early.

And subsequently use every televised address to remind America to check their spam filters.

When you've been isolated from face-to-face human interaction for as long as stormfronters have, you forget how civilization works.

Well the brief window when he was able to stop saying stupid shit in late October-early November 2016 ended up getting him narrowly elected. If he's not currently, actively humiliating our country, more jackasses will convince themselves he's not so bad.

Oh hey it's Will_I_Tell again, back from his ban. Last time "Commissioners" was here he was screaming at everyone in defense of Jeffrey Lord.

Internet white supremacists have made peace with their weeaboo-ness because, you see, "Japan protects their own race," or something.

Oh. I've been pronouncing the movie wrong this whole time..