Dot Dot Dot

Ugh. And the media at large continues to display hardly any sense of responsibility in how it covers this stuff. They didn't learn anything from Trump's election, though ambitious hate mongers sure did. And the Guardian is smart for never including a comment section.

This election has made me reconsider whether they are dying out. So many of these shitheads are my age or younger—the fruit of hate and entitlement that's been festering on chans and reddits for years. Sometimes I wonder if we as a civilization weren't ready to handle the internet.

Look at the context of that statement though. Bernie Sanders got hassled for supporting a candidate for mayor of Omaha who was a pro-life democrat. But the only other person running for mayor of Omaha was a pro-life republican. There are many parts of the country (like Omaha, Nebraska) where you will not find a

The Russians/Alt-righters also fed Sanders fans lots of fake news to discourage them from voting (or from voting for Hillary) after the primary.

I feel admiration for them for standing up for what I love about my country, even if they might have voted in a way that frustrates me. You are right to be angry at the fascists and I'm not blaming you for what they did. But lashing out at our own side does nothing but alienate one another. There is too much at stake

At least I'm not missing out on great art by how thoroughly he's turned me off from reading Dilbert.

They are banking on it.

And it's terrifying that people aren't addressing these issues more. The media fails to bring enough attention to these facts because it is preoccupied in "reporting" every new stupid tweet instead.

We're all angry. But Heather Heyer, the woman who was killed was a Bernie supporter. So was Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche, one of the three men who stood up to the Portland stabber. Of course I don't know how they voted in the general election, but the election is over. We all have to live, or die with the fallout.

There was a white supremacist, swastika flag-waving political rally yesterday. Sometimes Godwin's Law doesn't really work.

We have to move forward. A fractured opposition only works in Trump's favor.

This isn't a white issue and I want no part of it. This isn't even an American issue. It's a Confederate and Nazi issue. Lee himself opposed erecting monuments to the Confederacy because he correctly recognized that they would "keep open the sores of war," his words. These LARPers have clung to the myth of racial

Soloway never characterized it as the worst problem. They were invited to speak at a panel about trans representation in pop culture, and that is what they did.

Yup. I'm sure.

Birth of a Nation didn't invent racism; it was a romantic cultural touchstone for racists and stoked the worldview they already shared. All those modern liberal film critics who appreciate things about Birth of a Nation didn't turn into klansmen.

"It would be a pretty big stretch to blame 300 for Donald Trump or whatever, but the movie really did lionize the heroic white warriors fighting to repel the endless dark-skinned hordes."

Hopefully he's the sort of rich that he won't feel too bad about the waning significance of his novelty food purchase.

They weren't saying he was stating nazi sympathies, they were saying that his actions and justifications for those actions made no sense.

He Lol'd so that I didn't have to.

Peter Griffin's first name is Justin??
Edit: I just looked it up and gosh. That is an unusual MBMBaM coincidence.