Dot Dot Dot

"Words can't hurt people"

Interesting. What's the connecting thread that helps you recognize them?

Maybe we'd win more if people were more informed about their opinions. Like about who Jeffrey Lord is.

You very clearly have no idea who Jeffrey Lord is.

Maybe he's got an equally punchable British cousin.

Condolences to you both for your missing thumbs.

You don't know much about Jeffrey Lord, do you? It sounds like this is the first you've heard of him.

He's a bootlicker for excusing literally everything Trump has ever said or done, no matter what. It's a perfectly appropriate insult.

Not even a little bit.

Your whole premise seems to hinge on your interpretation of the article as, what was it, breathlessly freaking out. Over something. Do you think Colbert's monologues are an example of a person freaking out? Is the laughing audience freaking out?

You keep saying you're leaving. Just thought I'd point that out, in case you overlooked that in all your calm headedness.

I am beginning to see why the inner voice you use to read with sounds rabid and breathless.

The only person freaking out here is you. Everyone else is enjoying some delicious schadenfreude. Sorry for rustling your jimmies, chum.

It's a dumb /pol/ thing. Folks who frequent /pol/ started saying the okay sign is a white power symbol, and a bunch of prominent alt right celeb whores like Mike Thernovich and Milo Snuffaluffagus took selfies doing the okay symbol. Lots of pepes with 👌 in their Twitter handle. Then when you call them racist assholes…

Have you ever read a Sean O'Neal article before, Fellow Liberal?

Yeah dude We need to keep a jackass like Jeffrey Lord on the air for Us Liberals. Normalizing Trump idiocy is super important to Our principles. C'mon Fellow Liberals.

Haha, love that bit. They are all very good at using distance from the microphone to dramatic effect.

In what way is this celebratory article "going nuclear"?

Guy who was bad at his job of forming coherent thoughts got fired. Guessing he'll be keeping up this "troll" well after they move him to the assisted living section of the senior home.

Considering there is apparently a pretty popular market for luxury fallout shelters available to the class of folk who tend to vote to fuck the poor and the planet over, money might in fact save them.