Dot Dot Dot

Yeah my thoughts exactly. I am sure it was disappointing but uh. Not exactly the archetypal childhood coming-of-age experience they were deprived of.

Ah, thanks for the tip!

Sometimes people do things simply because it amuses one another.

They are smart, funny guys and have no lack or surplus of chromosomes. And as somebody who has been doing a lot of Lyft driving lately, their podcasts The Adventure Zone and My Brother My Brother and Me have been my primary source of entertainment for several weeks now.

Well that's kind of mean. Not sure what level of attention somebody needs before they are worthy of feeling proud.

Not familiar with his work, but from pictures alone Philip Glenister looks like a good choice. Just need to see his lip pucker.

The dream is that someday our country will be comfortable enough, our leaders seemingly competent enough that our citizenry will grow compliant and apathetic with politics once again. That's when a movie about the Trump presidency will serve a purpose—to remind people of how badly our country fucked up when we finally

Place your bets on which one will be dragged out of a motel room window while sobbing in their underwear.

The people who continue to make believe in his competence surely find his words encouraging though.


So as somebody who's been wanting to watch My Brother My Brother and Me and Harmonquest but has never gotten around to it, should I sign up for Seeso before it croaks and cancel my subscription when I'm done watching them, or wait until it goes to VRV (and do the same thing)?

I was so shocked that domain wasn't better utilized that I did some research. Interesting stuff; I think I remember checking it out as a kid once in its more artsy early internet form. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…

If these young women want to use the old pervert to make money and advance their careers then more power to them. I'll continue not watching anything he makes though.

Apparently the author isn't as big a fan of the show as you are. It happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I suspect a lot of it is just that many people are uncomfortable seeing cool male characters looking vulnerable and emotional.

Yeah I'm with you. It's funny out of context and I've laughed at plenty imitations of the scene but I think Pitt did a great job of showing his character pushed past his breaking point.

I would put money down that he absolutely has seen those movies, but if we're gonna include every gonzo, limited-release, privately-funded B-movie we might as well include the terrible acting in home videos of kids' Christmas pageants. It's more remarkable when major studios release multi-million dollar films with

You hitting the opium tonight, Alan Moore?

Some hackers have used their skills solely to draw attention to neglected security flaws.

I just read it as calling the show less-than-exceptional. A critical remark, sure, but not damning. I understand the defensiveness if the show is on the bubble though.