Carl Smith

What's scary is that I can say something like that and nobody even flinches. Now just wondering how many people read it and nodded their heads. Yikes.

Okay then.

"Yes! Hopefully!" - Sincerely, The Internet and 24 hour news channels.

But seriously… why? I ask that honestly. It's fine that you hate him so much, but what are the reasons? (other than "that motherfucker sucks it hard, man!")

Regular hate-fest here. Keep an eye on the boards, Yawanatpancakes… you never know when somebody might post that they hate Rudy more than you…. can't let that happen.

Hundreds of thousands of black men are being murdered EVERY DAY by the police in this country. It's nothing less than premeditated genocide. And if you have even the slightest quibble with what I've just said, you're a racist. That is all.

Thank goodness for Beyonce and her cadre of heavily armed bodyguards. (it's okay….she's a celebrity!…they're different)

"daily, unmitigated, constant slaughter of black bodies" And where is this happening?

And whatever you do, make sure to lump them all together! Don't waste time with nuance or particulars. Those are for boring non-reactionaries. Every instance is the same!

I much prefer the graphic novel on which it was based. And as far as world-building goes, it left MUCH to be desired.

Who did you think it was?

"Captain America" has a higher tomato reading than "Marathon Man" and "Three Days of the Condor". And don't get me started on "Stupid, Crazy, Love", which had a rating in the high 80's when I stupidly, crazily went to see that pile of shit.

The problem with Rotten Tomatoes is that it gives a false impression. It's merely based on a positive review. So a movie could look AWESOME because it as a 92% rating, but that could just mean that 92% of critics didn't think it sucked. Conversely, a challenging film could have a 68%…but that 68% might think it's a

Ha Ha! And, and there's that one part, where she's not quite sure, and, and he blows up that tree! And she's all "who's this guy?" and he's all "I'm Tim" and she's like "uh…okayyy"! What was your favorite part?

"Hook". Jeeeeeezus. (cue fanboy who say it when he was nine and still holds onto a magical memory of it)

Purging your ONE CD by The Fall, but keeping The Fat Boys. Alrighty, then.

They ain't GOT one!

It's actually a good show. It's like the original "90210" except with hot parents and cel phones.
And Ryan is much less punchy in Season Three. He's mellowed.
…………or HAS he?

"The O.C." after Marissa Cooper dies.

A lovely tour through pre-gentrified Manhattan. The chicks are packed!