Intricate Beliefs

No she is an idiot. Her comment: 'Dead Lexa is still the best character on this show… shocking.

TRust me friend. Its very easier to say 'wont be sticking around for next season', 'this is it' 'its been a good ride'. The 100 is not going to disappear with you. In terms of the 100 you are not special enough to effect its viewership to a significant percentage by any means. I saw a very similar comment at the end


'Its been real' You have killed me! What a glorious response. Isabela is a ******* idiot dont mind her

Them keeping the zombies alive has nothing to do with their 'religious ways'. Yes Hershel was a religious and did the same. What they have in common is that they are so attached to family they are not ready to kill them

Nick? Chris? lol

'Kill' I dont think so. Intimidate I believe so

'error of their ways' I fail to understand what you mean by this

At this point you are writing as if you are desperately trying to make plot holes exist when in reality they dont. Its fine to question something in the episode, but when a follow up comment gives a reasonable explanation to the flaw you originally proposed and you hash up a new flaw it kinda makes your objective

'if ALIE manages to learn something from the Commander's modified DNA' this analysis

Extremely likely

So true. Rothenburge is not a fool. He isnt going to DO IT AGAIN


Lets just switch the positions of Murphy and Ontari. Murphy naked with Ontari with a chain around her neck clothed. Murphy pulling her towards him and telling her a hypothetical situation of 'what would your boyfriend do if he found out". Pretty sick and manipulative isnt it? Yes this IS rape. Murphy literally had no

Yeah remember when people said that they dont care about the city of light Jaha story line? I dont see that now. Next time, have more faith in the writers and dont act like spoiled children and dont take the writers for fools. I knew that they had a plan for it and look at where WE ARE!

And it wasnt because his character sucked, just made things a lot more interesting

'Young Jaha' why do I find this so humourous

Ughhh so true lmao

LmAo that bad huh

Ayy i know. That shit was weird af