Intricate Beliefs

I can actually see this working. For clarke I think the only thing that is gone is Lexa's physical body

She called Clarke out on her hypocrisy when Emirson showed up. How could she not? Her people died and Clarke was being a huge hypocryte as to her plea for peace. This is a logical dialogue that these writers simply could not miss.

I am finding it a bit hysterical how after 6 episodes people are now understanding and arre gravitating towards the Jaha story line with the City of Light. Okay yes it may have appeared as the extreme set up for a preacher path to enlightenment but even throughout the 'I dont care about Jaha' and 'I wish they wouldnt

The 100 has a knack of drawing events from the past and expressing their significance in the future.

Indeed. This is precisely why people shouldnt be so quick to give up on the first couple of episodes of the first season. The formula of The 100's success is that the writers know how to make each episode better than the last one. After what they have accomplished in the first 2 seasons, I fully trust the process of

wow I am jealous that you get to watch it with others. Im enjoying this shit alone

Oh please! The 100 does not require your view for success. What 'shock plots' are you even talking about??? Your first criticism is that the writers were lazy because they didnt pay attention to detail. Then you derailed onto something with no particular relevance to your point about detail talking about the build up

Honestly you do not need to watch this show. What you are saying isnt critical of their writing or acting. You are just subjectively projecting your dislike for an obviously well written show and you do it simply to play devils advocate. Its easy to say 'it was predictable that Clarke was going to kill everyone in mt

We do not know the exact dialogue of the offer. It could have well been 'if you do not allow us to keep the 44 exchange for your people we will kill all of them were they are before you can get to them.' That could be a major reason why lexa took the deal. Using her head. It was a rescue mission. She might not of

When you say mistake do you mean the mistake of the writers or of Lexa? There is still one eoisode to go. I feel like your anger is only based on preassumpotions aa

Dont you think you are being overcynical by saying they arent going to write well enough for me to continue to season 3. Its like you are already blowing them off no matter what they showcase in the finale. Doesnt make much sense to even watch the finale does it if you are pretty sure you are not going to follow the

You wrote all of that in regard to 'one of the most stupid decisions you have ever witnessed on TV'. By the looks of it you just seem rather bitter that the 100 was able to dupe you like that. Unpredictable shit huh? Get over it

Do you not think that her reasoning made sense then or are you just butthurt at the betrayal

When you look at it like that you are right! Nice one!

Just shut up. If your too incompitebpnt to see how lexa's decision made reasonable logical sense then perhaps this show isnt for you

Tell me about it 👊

I agree 😃

I think we are all onto something here!

….be dead by morning'. The timing might not be the same in this case but with the 100 you just never know!!!!!!!!!!!! Arghhhhhhh

Nice point. I get the feeling that there may be civil unrest amongst her own people if she does not act at all. Hahaha. Its totally possible that they foreshadowed this when lincon was speaking about the deal. If lexa had not wanted finn to die and pardoned his actions he mentioned that 'she wouldsurely be dead '