David Fisher

There's about 20 or so of those intensely-mopey films only critics like on this list. And about ten or so that are great movies, but not really great comedies ("I just want to laugh!" "Have you seen In Bruges?").

So, I've been catching up on these reviews as I work my way through the series, and there's a comparison I'm amazed I haven't seen come up yet: Doctor Who. Normally "So-and-so is a time lord" type theories bore me, but the detail of him stealing the hat (like how the TARDIS was stolen) basically cinches it. My go-to

I gotta disagree, I loved "The Show Stopper," for a number of reasons, one of which is Wander's unabashed enthusiasm for…virtually everything, translating into unabashed enthusiasm for the 'Evil' aesthetic (another example is his "tour" of the Skullship much earlier), though I do agree some things deserved payoff

No Thirteen Ghosts?

As others have pointed out, yes, Gigantor. And the older sister's definitely Noelle Stevenson

Sorry to hear about the reviews dropping. Being able to participate in close-readings of shows like this is big part of what I enjoy about them.

Reviewing this movie is like fact-checking Trump: yes, it's just one stupid thing after another, but that's kind of the point; the relentless pace of the assault on your wits precludes you from dwelling to long on any particular inanity.

Almost $15,000,000, not $16,000,000.

So for the record, Texas has TWICE seceded from another country over the right to keep slaves.

Oh my God, Grey Delisle. Everything would sound evily sexy. To be fair, she does have range, but her sexy-mode is what people trying to sound sexy are trying to sound like.

Ian Jones-Quartey's going? Is he gonna finish RPG World?

Technically, you never forget the first mule you shoot, so there's really no telling how many more one might have shot.

I feel like the trend would be towards degeneration, with each subsequent reality pulled between the need to differentiate itself from previous iterations while maintaining multiple constant through-lines, eventually, perhaps arbitrarily far down the turtle-stack, a reality would come along too poorly-sketched out to

We produce an obscene amount of it. And everything we produce, due to the endless possibilities of alien cultural sensibilities, is potentially some alien civilization's The Wire.

It's true; the Gasp-Detector went ding.

But before we get to that are we going to have to deal with an episode where Peridot has to get over some anti-organic sentiment until Connie saves her with Rad Sword Skillz and then another episode where she's sullen because Connie is so badass she realizes she's the only non-combatant there, and she feels useless

I'm the kinda guy that sneaks peaks down what he's reading before he gets there, so I was weirded out when I saw the phrase "team Hillary" and thought "Well, this review is taking an oddly political swerve."

To be fair, this one, the last one and the next one follow on each other's heel immediately, and probably work best viewed, not as a single unit per se, but in one sitting, ideally.

The prisoners-escaping bit was not the best thing in the world to watch immediately before going to bed.

A villain angrily growling the name of his adversary when they thwart his plans is the kind of cliché tropiness I'd like to see more of from a comic book show. Also, making the bad guys tropier puts highlights the nerdy, meta-awareness of the heroes; and it makes them more relateable to an audience as geeky as