David Fisher

Pearls seem to always act as attendants, never far from the gem they serve, whereas Agates are given independent commands? Her whip has an overseer vibe.

That Fool's Gold poster is so weirding me out: did the Photoshop guy shrink her body?

But the Temple, their main base of operations, is in Delmarva, which is within the borders of the 13 colonies. Even if they weren't there at the very minute it went into effect, they could still be considered residents.

Normalize homosexual relationships in family entertainment, Pearl. Normalize its tits off.

How fucked up would it be if we saw all the Rubies again…except Eyeball.

Lapis is like any of us "Big, unspecified plans to go out and do stuff…but on the other hand, TV."

I have to assume Smokey Quartz has eating powers (or would that be too on-the-nose?) a lá, say, Gluttony from Fullmetal Alchemist, Pig God from One Punch Man, or the gourmands from Ben Ten?

This is a fun movie. Critics seem to hate fun movies.

I think, if this show has a big finale, it might be Jasper attempting to fuse with the cluster to make herself a goddess.

Greg's current lifestyle is a little bohemian, but he's a present and supportive father for his son, so the lesson lands.

Gems are artificial life-forms, right? So corruption means their software, rather than their hardware (the gem itself) is damaged, like corrupted files; it may be theoretically possible to restore them to some kind of working order, but a lot more difficult than simple repair.

When they dialogue seems overly broad/obvious, as Jasper's was, it's worth remembering it's intended to be viewed by people who've never been exposed to that kind of content.

No mention of the part at the end suggesting the end of The End of Evangelion? It's kind of surreal a show that's so innocent and positive, in it's depiction of sexuality in particular, referencing a work where sexuality is humanity's violent affliction.

1. Ronaldo's girlfriend appeared in the crowd scenes in "Beach City Drift." HOLY buckets, those devious bastards.
2. French Fry Pizza could be great, with a crust somewhere between potato bread and a latka, sauce somewhere between ketchup, barbeque sauce, and gravy (think poutine), and cheddar cheese, choice of

I could see Steven's healthy self-love be twisted into Narcissistic vanity, and Connie's studiousness becoming obsessiveness.

Steven, and Connie, and Greg, and really everyone on the show being so positive, friendly, and self-respected, the show doesn't often have a chance to teach lessons about a major issue in, I suspect, just about everone's life: people who suck donkey balls. Whether in person or online, you encounter people who just

Oh, definitely. Rebecca Sugar has secretly created a children's cartoon set in a sex-positive alternate universe, one of the consequences of which is more widely-available body-diverse pornography.

Lars went to sleep with what appears to be a porno mag highlighting plus-size women, which is kind of sweet, in a Lars sort of way.

It might be foreshadowing that his Gem nature is becoming more dominant.

1: It would've actually been a stronger choice if the Guacola turned out to be a hit. Since the issue is not whether or not the beverage is a quality product, it's that the concert event being about promoting the product and not his son was duplicitous and a betrayal on Marty's part; it would have gone well with the