You get a +1 for having a Dragon Warrior III reference as a name.
So the big takeaway so far is, if you gotta live in the MCU, for God's sake, try to be in one of the movies, because the TV shows are a meat grinder.
The pills (Red, White, and Blue) peg him as the MCU version of Frank Simpson, AKA Nuke.
"Wil Traval" sounds like a TV Cop, one who stands a high chance of being paired with a partner named "Hav Gunn."
"This is my thing now!" It's more a function of countless episodes offering sufficient anecdotal evidence to support almost any thesis, but I have a running theory that the Simpsons are a family of geniuses, Lisa being merely the only one recognized as such. Homer, we should note, even if we take the episode where…
I didn't know what a doula is. And neither does my spell check.
*Is more of a song-and-dance man*
There's a stasis field generator right there! Everyone knows stasis fields pause all countdown-based status effects. That's basic science, people.
I don't think I mentioned it last week, but I love the camera effect they use on the demon, where only his mouth stays in focus. It really sells the idea that if he's there, nothing can possibly be OK.
So, anyone steeped enough in Marvel lore to guess who the presumptive Big Bad on the other side of the portal is? Possibly the same Cloaky McMindGames we saw before?
"It's full of what?!" still makes me giggle.
Soooo…is it just me or did they not really explain well what was going on?
Yeah, like one or two seasons ago. He falls for a Japanese manga-ka. Very MPDG.
Double-u-double-u-double-u dot AV Club dot com slash TV club slash Brooklyn dash [the word] nine dash [the word] nine dash heads dash woods dash finds dash more dash surprise dash two two eight one two zero.
Say what you will about that shark, it was perfectly timed.
So we all agree this guy is an idiot, right? I can just leave him alone? Don't have to go point-by-point in explaining how it's a robust hybrid of assholery and dumbassery?
Kombucha is made with bacteria and yeast, not mushrooms, according to the episode.
The S&H method is applicable in the Shapeshifter Shell Game trope, which is slightly different than the Guilt Trip.
Strictly speaking, they didn't "evolve," they mutated.