David Fisher

I'm already shipping (no apostrophe! For shame!) Milton and Krieger's wife.

Yes, but this show's got jowly middle-aged palookas like Game of Thrones' got grizzled old men, easy to get 'em mixed up

The camera tilt is sometimes known as a Dutch Angle; funly, it was a staple of the old Batman TV show, enough that it's also known as the Batman-Villain-Layer Cam.

Aw, monkey feathers.

You're even closer than I was. Plus there was the gazing; it was very similar to the Did They OR Didn't They moment from "The Cave Of Two Lovers"; all that was missing is the lean-in. They DID however pan up to the intertwining double helix, which felt somehow symbolic.

Food is always better.


Secret Ninja Lesbians!

Team Avatar! Back together, and nothing can stop GIANT MECHA MOTHERFUCKERS, GIANT MECHA WITH LASERS never mind.

Not saying everyone's opinion should match mine, but no Legend of Korra? Really?

They really feel the need to stretch jokes to fill time, don't they? Like, 20 years ago, they wouldn't have bothered pausing on the dead elves, they'd be in a hurry to get to the next joke. The problem is exacerbated due to, in that same 20 years, audiences becoming much more accustomed to rapid-fire comedy and zero

The little "shoot-you" vs. "bulletproof bracer" exchange is an example of something not often seen in animation: tiny little improvised nothings that happen all the time in real life conversation. They're hard to script, and though easy to improvise, improvised ones can't be framed as deliberately as this was.

In that case, here's some more: Gandhi with a lightsaber-chainsaw for a dick. The falling-asleep kitten from that internet video has the ability to turn the blood in your veins into live centipedes. Ned Flanders bleeds chlorine trifluoride, and can shoot it out his eyes like a horned lizard.

Between Rosa's eye-roll and Lin's AMAZING death-glare on the most recent Legend of Korra, this last week has yielded a bountiful harvest of ladies' expressions that will make excellent reaction GIFs.

If Wu keeps pretending to be a good person, it might become the truth. Still doesn't mean he should be king, though, or even that there should BE a king.

Just putting this out there, but if someone can metalbend AND lavabend, they could theoretically manipulate MOLTEN STEEL. We could be on the verge of someone who can summon burning-hot T-1000's with HIS MIND.

I've said it before: giving a power as destructive as lavabending to someone as nice as Bolin is inherently funny/awesome, like if Mr. Rogers could fart antimater or Elmo could melt faces with his mind.

It's been too long since we heard something Terry likes.