
In defense of bubbling, at least as it being compared to "lifetime solitary confinement", I get the impression that gems are largely not conscious or aware while they're bubbled. Bismuth re-gen'd mostly like not a moment had passed, with no idea that it had been 5000+ years.

I… I don't get it. How does something *this* good exist? How the heck, even in 2016, are they getting away with a cartoon, in primetime, that is "aimed at kids" (wink wink) that is this freaking queer positive, and genderqueer positive, and feminist as all hell, and just… good?

Oh, don't mistake me, the Talking shows almost entirely are a giant waste of time, but unless I somehow missed something, they haven't been doing them for every episode of Preacher; just the season opener and finale. They're mostly an excuse for Chris Hardwick and the guests of the week to uncritically fawn over

Fair enough.

I'm not "trying to decide anyone else's relationship with pop culture". I am expressing my opinion of their publicly-expressed thoughts, which in cases like this I sometimes find a bit silly, especially when they've been complaining since the show started that it's "terrible at adapting the source material." They

Yeah, that's another part of why I feel unsure about that ending. They spent a lot of time building up these characters and then they're like "Here's them at their worst! *boom* It seems to me a wee bit of insanity is acceptable when they've all just absolutely had it confirmed beyond any doubt that not only does God

It was a bit in the comic. There's a bit at the beginning where Jesse gets his drunk on and starts revealing all the town's secrets, including both that this dude is scamming government grants for his farm and that he shot a video with "Kate and a piebald stallion out in your barn. Went straight to video" etc.

I think the implication was that they gave him the tire iron and the revolver as some means of self defense before they beat the holy hell out of him. Hence why he didn't want them because he knew that's what was going on. It's kind of like the old Bill Hicks routine where he refers to a non-existent scene from the

As a small aside, I will never not be amused / baffled by my fellow fans of source material who stick with an adaptation that is apparently THE WORST THING EVER and GETS NOTHING RIGHT and so on. I mean, really? You've hated it since the first three hours but decided to stick around for another seven because… why,

Um… no? Loved the comic (while acknowledging some serious shortcomings), love the show too. My only issue is with connecting comic Jesse to tv Jesse, because whereas comic Jesse has a sense of honor to a huge fault, tv Jesse just kind of often comes off like a huge asshole who's barely restraining himself. I do hope

Even though Quincannon's been burned off as a character now and there have been a couple lines indicating a different direction for Jesse's mom, I still hope we get the bulk of the Salvation storyline in one form or another.

During Talking Preacher (and in a quick throwaway line while Cassidy is in jail), it's revealed that the two mascots were lovers and decided to commit suicide together.

Only things I didn't really like about the finale: that, as the review says, we spent a good deal of time being told we should care about these people only for them to be vaporized in a shitsplosion; in the comic, all we really learn about the residents of Annville before they're demolished is that one of them is a

To be fair, I would say it's easier to make lazy, terrible cgi than it is to make lazy, terrible hand drawn stuff. CGI in the right hands can produce some truly gorgeous imagery, but in the wrong hands it really does look like crap. Ratatouille, for example, was amazing animation-wise; but at the same time, it's

Fair enough. He clearly had some issues that could have turned into something uglier.

Yep to all this. Almost certainly my favorite in the main Disney line of modern animated films, I'd put this right up and ranked comfortably in the same company as my favorite Pixar flicks. Gets me every time I watch it.

I disagree on Emily's character shift. To me it just felt really jarring and out of nowhere. In the span of a few hours (days?) she's totally ready to not only believe in vampires, but feed her vaguely creepy stalker non-boyfriend to one..?

Sounds like a NIN video.

Was trying to garner some clues from the clothing / tattoos on the people who killed Jesse's dad, but nothing was super clear. Still wondering if we saw Jody and TC tonight.

I'm still a wee bit paranoid that they're going to go with something other than comic-readers-know-what as the motivation for the road trip. Still very much like the show, & there's a lot I'm willing to forgive and look over as the show winds down whatever course it does, but any other reason for starting the road