
I wouldn't say miscast necessarily? Like you said, I think they're both good, and part of me thinks this is some effort on the part of the show to add some element of growth to characters who are fairly static for most of the source material (I mean, let's be honest, Jesse's only real 'growth' in the comic is learning

Even prior to that, he has a sense of honor that's missing from this incarnation.

Exactly. I like the show, sometimes I like the show a lot, but right now it's like biting into a hallowed out twinkie; got the right shape, still tastes ok, but definitely missing something.

I'm trying really, really hard to not be bothered by changes, given that a) I've often railed against other people for the same complaint regarding other stuff and b) I love this show lots, but I really still wish Show Jesse hewed a little closer to Comic Jesse. Certainly nothing that's going to chase me away, but

Speaking as someone who did this - was younger, dumber, and thought I was invincible / could run on a lot less sleep, coming home exhausted from a concert… that scene is exactly what it seemed like in retrospect. One minute (you think) you're fine, the next you're woken up by the thwap-thwap-thwap of the weeds in the

Loved this show, loved (most) of this season… but goddammit this ending. Not everything has to be a fuckin' downer, and I really could have done without what will in all likelihood be the last of Samurai Jack we'll ever get to see wiping everyone we've spent 5 seasons getting to know, *especially* Ashi, from

"Can you please stop talking about your vagina out in the open?? My children know ASL!"
Kids: "Vagina, vagina, vagina!"

imo, Deep Space 9 is the best of the 'original' Trek shows, and you'd be much better served by it than Voyager.

I like to think that Jesse did ok for himself. After everything he's been through, I can't really see him turning back to the drug trade, there's (if my thinking is correct) no one really alive to significantly tie him to Walt's operation… unless he was just so traumatized that he couldn't function, I wanna believe

Seriously, I could watch an entire show just built around Mike…

Jimmy done wrong, but Chuck is such an insufferable, stuck up, ungrateful ass that I still can't help but want him to just get utterly demolished. Jimmy, in spite of all his (glaring) faults, had up to the point of falsifying those docs absolutely bent over backwards for his brother, and gotten nothing but derision

Since her 'opinions', given the weight of the incoming administration, can and definitely WILL harm people, I'm not really inclined in the least to treat her ideas with even a modicum of respect or worse, normalization. Disagreeing over your favorite cheesecake is Opinion. Disagreeing over the rights of trans people

Aaaaaand that didn't take long. First comment right out of the gate. Are you sure we're the ones that need the safe spaces? You seem awfully triggered by those words.

Show me someone who uses SJW as a derivative unironically who isn't a huge prick and I'll show you the first of several bridges I have to sell.

Yeah, except they're not. I'm not talking about people who share a meme on Facebook and think they've struck a blow for all their black friends. I'm talking about the people who every jerkoff with a hair up his ass derisively refer to as "SJW" for giving a shit about anyone other than cis straight white males.

Quick point; unless something has changed, this was not the "penultimate" season. The show is getting nine seasons, and this was the end of the 7th

It's brilliant. Almost seems custom-designed to piss off every bro-dude who complains about the 'SJWs' ruining everything.

Far and away one of my favorite moments in the films: Harry and Hermione sharing a dance to Nick Cave's ' O' Children ' in Deathly Hallows pt 1.

Um… while I agree that it's kind of odd that a streaming service or cable network hasn't grabbed these up yet, ABC shows the HP films ALL the time. They are to the HP films what the History Channel used to be to WWII documentaries.

Shit shit shit. Sorry all, typing ahead of my brain, not a newbie, should have known better, apologies to all. If I can still edit it, I will. For what it's worth, thanks for the info on doing spoiler tags, which I did not know.