
Oh, yeah, for sure. Even if there wasn't something slightly disquieting about the way Bridges was presented, there was literally no point to the existence of those two. And while I do sometimes feel like he strays a little too close to the "I'm a straight MAN who has no problem with the gays but you're still pretty

To be fair, she didn't "fly away because she couldn't handle being a ruler", she was trapped in the middle of a mass melee resulting from an assassination attempt by the Sons of the Harpy who were closing in. She clambered on Dragon for safety and he took off. And then she returned as soon as possible.

Aw, but that first trip is worth it if for no other reason than Cass's "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! THE BLOOD! THE KILLING!" 'leap' off the Empire State Building moment with Jesse. I take it you were not a big fan of the whole Reaver Cleaver storyline?

I am a big fan of the comics, and it didn't really bother me that much. All we learned about Tulip's mom in the comic is that she died during childbirth. She was way closer to her dad, and even with him the extent of his characterization was that he really liked guns and became something of an accidental feminist

Still very much loving the show. I wonder though if it's just an effect of having read the comics, but the main plot is so far a REALLY slow burn. They're doing such a fun job with things that I don't mind, but I really hope we get something major soon. Like hopefully at least "Here is WHY the road trip will be

Wasn't there some study released a few years ago showing that kids technically *are* sociopathic?

My girlfriend said this was the first episode where it felt like things for her, as someone who didn't read the comic, finally started coalescing a little.

He and Steve Dillon both have exec producer credits, and everything he's said publicly on it has been pretty full of praise. I imagine he's giving at least some level of input.

As I recall, he gets a pretty decent understanding of it early on in the comics when he and Tulip are hiding out in a hotel after the Saint massacred a dozen of Root's deputies and he whacks his head on the mirror in the bathroom.


Fair enough. We will just have to agree to disagree, I suppose…

See, most people in your position would be about ready to break the disc in half or 'accidentally' scratch the cover…

That bit at the end where he finally looks at the end of the book and sees that space she left aside for him to "create whole new memories" just breaks me every time.

Ehh. I disagree. But then, it probably depends to some extent on personal politics and how well "We're becoming a bunch of lazy slobs who are destroying the planet" resonates with any one person's particular ideology. As to Up… I mean, the house cracks off its foundation and flies up into the sky in the first 15

That doesn't really mean a whole lot in my world? At least not depending on the flick. I'd stick the How to Train Your Dragon movies right up there with some of my favorite Pixar films. Over the Hedge and the first and fourth Shrek films were also good stuff.

I guess I'm confused as to how you can say that something like Good Dinosaur is driven by cliche, and it's a knock against it, but Cars isn't. 'Egotistical guy gets stuck in small town, learns humility, falls in love with streetwise small town girl who teaches him about LIFE, learns winning isn't everything" was, I'm

I would both disagree about Arlo and also suggest that not every animated movie, even from Pixar, need reinvent the wheel. I wouldn't rank GD near the top, but I think it's a better flick than you're making out here.

Man, I don't even… the number of people on here ranking Wall-E and Up below or at least within spitting distance of Cars is disturbing to me. The emotional punch of both those films is so far removed from Larry the F'ing Cable Idiot and tractor cow fart jokes that I'm not sure how the two are even remotely in the

That can't possibly be that surprising. The first Cars was about as strictly paint-by-numbers as I've ever seen Pixar get. And Larry the Cable Guy just annoys all the piss out of me.

What in the world was wrong with Good Dinosaur?