I don't know where you read that? I've never seen it, m'self. I've just seen the one interview with Rogen where he says just *most* (not all) of the first season will be in Annville.
I don't know where you read that? I've never seen it, m'self. I've just seen the one interview with Rogen where he says just *most* (not all) of the first season will be in Annville.
I promise you that I really could not possibly care less about whether you like or hate the show. I just find it simultaneously amusing and annoying when people air their opinions publicly and then are seemingly amazed that someone has disagreed with them.
Jensen Ackles, maybe..? I would say Jeffrey Dean Morgan, but he's… busy.
I'm not saying this to get in your face about it, but I really don't get why so many people think the show is just going to stay in Annville forever / that the 'road trip' isn't going to happen..? I've seen no indication of it; only that they're stretching out the Annville portion of the story, not staying there…
It's not about offense, but if you're going to share your opinion publicly, you're not really in a position to object to people attempting to refute said opinion. Especially when it doesn't make a lot of sense. Your argument really only rests on the notion that no show in the history of ever has ever spent any time…
I still think we're going to get road trip. I seriously can't believe this show is going to spend the entirety of what I at least so far hope is a very long run in this one town. Plus, Rogen has pretty much already said that just "most" of the first season will be in Annville.
There is a part of me that is hoping the show goes with the whole "Odin and his meats… alone with his meats" thing, because it will truly mean that we have fully entered crazy town; but there is also a part of me that NEVER, EVER WANTS TO SEE THAT BECAUSE IT WILL DEFINITELY BE A THING THAT REQUIRES BRAIN BLEACH.
Eh. I don't think those two are human. I've already suspected who they are meant to be from the comic, but I'm reluctant to talk too much about it yet. Certainly something going on with them given that they were following Genesis all over the planet.
Yeah, the more we learn about the denizens of this little town, the less inclined I am for them to keep breathing. Neatly enough, the guy who can't stand up to a mother he doesn't even live with and the chimo slots in neatly with Jesse's scene in the comic where he goes on a bender and starts spouting off the town's…
I don't think the two 'strangers' conversation at the end with Root is meant to be a flashback? I think they just revived. If those two are who I suspect they are, they probably have not been killed off all permanent-like, at any rate.
Oh my god, the degree to which this is making you angry is hilarious.
Oh piss off, gamergater. I've probably been reading comics longer than you've been alive. Afraid you don't get to tell me what I was and was not a big fan of. Go whine somewhere else.
You… are absolutely right. I hang my head in medieval shame.
Also, flaming mace = best thing ever.
Am I alone in thinking the one wight seemed unusually stressed out by having a scythe stuck through his/her chest? Like "Oh god why I was so youuuuugh…. oh, wait" *yoink*
I dunno. It might have just been because the community was more closed and sectioned off back in the day, but I don't remember this kind of virulence being anything like a regular, sadly almost expected thing back before the internet became more widespread (along with its accompanying anonymity).
To be fair, it wasn't just him coming out of nowhere and being all "Treat my kid for free!" It was more a response to "Well, you're poor and you have an HMO and HMOs suck and we're not paying for the heart surgery your kid desperately needs so you and your kid can go eat a d—k."
I figured his whole "Martian n******* " schtick would not make the cut, but I kind of figured they'd leave him being an abusive, generally awful asshole in. His was the only characterization I felt really missed the mark.
Yeah, do you like how I potentially spoiled it here and then talked about not wanting to spoil it in another reply? I am talented.
Oh, for sure. I'm relatively certain, at the very least, that we won't be seeing Jesus de Sade fisting an armadillo or parking his bicycle in someone's ass anymore than we'll probably see TC f**king a chicken. For me, as long as they get the feel, the characters, and the overarching plot right, I'm ok with…