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Yeah, they obviously should have shown how Muslims, nay, all brown people are bad and locked them up. Law and order, people! Law and order!

So… have networks stopped giving multiple episodes to review, or is this another symptom of the AV Club review cutbacks?

Tarantino movies come out around Christmas these days, plus the Wolf of Wall Street.

"If this happened in reality and Clark did save those kids, you don't think the world would've tried to do cruel testing or kill him."

I was immediately turned off by the premise of the beginning of the video. Do you know what the main themes of Star Wars, Bond, and Harry Potter have in common that the Marvel movies (and most others) don't? They've been marketed to death, and they have generally been embedded into the public consciousness. It is

I'll bet that weird electronic percussion hit would instantly bring you back if you heard it, though.

Uh, what? I have not seen a single comment that even hints at defending the Marvel score oeuvre. I have seen people pick a couple of films, or even just a single song. Your passive aggressive dismissal of everyone who disagrees with you as zealotic rubes is unjustified.

You gotta join the army, motherfucker!

So, is this another indicator that True Detective Season 1 was a fluke? Or, did he have a script that was rewritten, or something?

“This cable or accessory is not certified”. It’s not a conspiracy theory when it is already fact.

The fact that nothing was contradicted, the fact that we have no evidence that anything else happened that we didn't see, and the fact that Elliot flat out said "everything actually happened" at the end of the episode before last. Then there were the flashbacks in the episode before last that revealed the prison

Newsroom memes? Are those the liberal version of Minion memes?

There were a bunch of movies released in the previous decade that take place in the countries, or are about the wars. Studios only stopped making them because they remembered that they like to make money. I guess they forgot again.

He has not said anything of the sort, but this isn't the first time you've put words in people's mouths.

Sounds like he's hinting that Matt's getting Cranston'd in the movie.

It's not a rip-off, because there is no one movie or book that will give you the same experience as Stranger Things.

We saw 11 kill two doctors in, like, episode two or three. And possibly the guys in the van.

Except it wasn't for naught. As explained before, it distracts the monster from Hopper and Joyce and leads them to Will. Without Nancy and Jonathan, you would have to explain why they are able to survive in the upside down and how they found Will, which is impossible, since it was established that even a trained agent

Despite being under the same brand name, Marvel is not a cohesive whole. Which is why the TV characters will never, ever appear in any movie.

Uh, no. Most of their shows have very specific appeal. House of Cards for people who like dark antihero dramas, Arrested Development for people who like dense comedies, Longmire for older people who like police procedurals, etc. I mean, if you think that Sense8 and Bloodline appeal to everyone (let alone their foreign