
Watch John Oliver's segment on abortion to see how bad it's gotten.

Still incoherent babble. You haven't refuted anything in my argument.

"Probably because the criteria one makes for decisions regarding their family aren't the same criteria a court uses to render verdicts."

So you would not assume their innocence?

The fact that you're initial answer was hard "No", followed by a dodge and changed answer after I pointed out your flawed logic gives a pretty good clue.

So you would only presume innocence of family members? But shouldn't your presumption of innocence apply to everyone?

a.Way to dodge the question to avoid admitting your hypocrisy.

So why won't you hire the hypothetical babysitter? By you're logic you HAVE to assume they are innocent.

"Until it's proven in court, we must assume innocence."

Would you let someone accused of child molestation babysit your children?


GRRM made such big deal about the 7 kingdoms being founded by Aegon and his 2 wives that I think it has to be foreshadowing.

Wikipedia says this: " Yankovic is not required under law to get permission to parody; as a personal rule, however, he does seek permission to parody a person's song before recording it". I'm not a lawyer, but that's good enough for me. I believe him giving people cheques for royalties is also just because of

I believe parody is protected. He is nice and asks artist's for their permission, but he doesn't really have to.

This chrome extension works for me (I'm Canadian, but I imagine it will work for all non-U.S. residents).

And if Spotify gave more money to the publishers, the publishers would give her more money.

Well she is listed as a songwriter, so she would be getting at least a portion of the royalty payments from Spotify on top of what the record label paid her.

Dude the animated Wonder Woman movie (2009) was directed by a woman (Lauren Montgomery) and was pretty great. The story was also written by a woman (Gail Simone). The fact that you think it's impossible for a woman to handle a superhero movie without it becoming "My Left Foot" (because women can only direct emotional

So what do you think everyone should do, throw their hands up and say people are terrible nothing we can do to try and change people's perception? Even is it were unambiguously illegal, it's unlikely that it would be prosecuted against everyone who did this. But by emphasizing that it is indeed illegal, may

So you don't have any way to estimate the hypothetical value of the photos and don't even know when they are being appraised, I don't think it's a stretch to say they could very well be worth lots of money.