
Good catch

I didn't like them either. I don't remember them being part of the show in Part 1, and I don't think they way they did them was a good addition. If they were just done as a dream sequence or something I probably wouldn't mind as much, but there's no reason a lot of those scenes aren't live action.

I agree the break was too long, and I didn't re-watch but the recap at the beginning did a good job at refreshing my memory.

I remember the dragon from the novels, but at least those dragons didn't live in the sewer.

I feel like they've done it twice before, but I could be wrong.

It seems like Tai is always finding idols.

I was really skeptical about Ward being in the episode, but I think it turned out okay. I actually thought it was a pretty good episode.

I thought it was kind of weird that they just disappeared, but I'm not really expecting them be shown. I wonder if the characters just weren't popular enough with the fans in the first season for them to decide to keep them.

I was not a fan of introducing Wally, only to kill him off like that. Had we known about Wally in prior seasons and knew Clive cared about him, then it would be different, but instead he wasn't even really a character and just someone invented for this episode so Clive would hurt over his death.

I think this was a good start to the season. I did need the refresher at the beginning of the episode since I think it's been almost a year.

Is Rip not going to be in next season? I wasn't quite clear on that but I expected Amaya to go back to her own time.

It was better than I was expecting it to be, but I'm still quite disappointed. First Walker Sasha failed to kill Negan, then when the Kingdom showed up there was a lot of fighting and death but Negan got away.

The whole mystery thing is really what I'm the most interested in, but I do enjoy a lot of the characters as well.

Debbie was not seeing what I saw at that challenge. She said she could do the beam, and then she kept falling off and that's why they were behind.

I spent a lot of the start of the episode saying that they kept talking about how this was going to work, but they were not willing to test it on themselves. They wanted to only test it on people they didn't care about, so I was really happy when Clarke injected herself with it.

The villain of the week was kind of a fun character, I wish we knew a bit more about him because it seems like his backstory could have been something worth seeing.

I don't dislike Mon El as much as some people do, and part of that may just be Chris Wood. I just think the show needs to find a way to balance the characters - and this is a problem across the CW DC shows. Legends of Tomorrow is probably the best off in terms of the different characters getting enough screen time,

Kara & Clark aren't quite as fast as The Flash, but they're pretty fast. On Smallville, Bart Allen did out-run Clark, but he could change clothes quickly and run really fast.

I just don't want him to stay. I don't like the character and I'd rather they just get rid of him, regardless of what happened in the comics. They've killed off characters who were still alive in the comics before, haven't they? Like Andrea? So the show sometimes does something different.

They better kill Negan off next week. I'm going to be really annoyed if they don't.