
I'm curious about what the plan for next season will be, because revealing that there are zombies to the world has got to alter the show quite a bit.

I know! It just kind of surprised me, because it's not what I assumed a normal reaction would be.

Ravi took Liv's visions so well, it's something I don't think most people would have been comfortable with.

I like that we have so much plot momentum, and I haven't even missed that there were no cases of the week for two episodes in a row.

I don't think we needed to end of that cliff-hanger. I was really hoping the season would end with the conclusion of the riot, not a bunch of characters held up at the pool still.

I was really frustrated with Taystee. I think someone else should have stepped up and taken the deal, if she wouldn't. They were making a lot of progress on improving things, but all she really cared about was Bayley and nobody seemed to be there to take over and accept the deal.

But that's true for all the Netflix shows, yet in the past they went up one day at a time. I just finished watching the season, since I watched some of it last night and binged it today. I finished Kimmy Schmidt (which I didn't even watch when it first came out, and it took me days to see the season) and the reviews

Yeah, I didn't get that. How is the CERT team not trained? Aren't they supposed to be trained to deal with riots?

I liked the episode. I didn't mind the lack of a case of the week, and I don't think there was space for it. We've got 3 episodes left in the season, so I think we did need some momentum with the season arc.

I would have much rather seen Nick be the character who was killed off.

I had almost zero interest in the League of Assassins. It could be because of how much Arrow has used them, but I don't need them to be on Gotham as well.

I was shocked that The Get Down wound up being $120 million for the season, and it was way over budget - the original estimate wasn't that much money. I had no idea that it was that expensive, and it only got that one season. Sense8 was $108 million for the season. The only show that was more expensive than those two

It was one of the most expensive shows they had, so I think budget was probably a big factor in the decision. I saw somewhere that Stranger Things, Sense8 and The Get Down were the three most expensive shows they had.

I'm going to guess that the show is just too expensive. I've read that it was $9 million an episode, it's just a bit unfortunate that it ended on a cliffhanger.

But it's still more over the top now than I think it was at the start of the show. I think the brain she eats takes over her personality a bit too much and often is even more extreme than the murder victims (like for example the other week with the teacher - he wasn't going around talking to adults the way Liv did).

I'm actually kind of surprised nobody has ever just shown up at his house before, to be honest, given the amount of mail that came in.

I don't believe for a minute that the show would kill off all those characters, so that really takes away the cliff-hanger aspect.

Probably never. Reviews stopped after Season 1, when the show had better ratings. There probably weren't enough page views and comments, and I seriously doubt it'd improve at this point.

I'm hoping we don't just jump ahead too far, because I'd like to see what life is like in space and in the bunker.

I think this episode demonstrated they need to have less idols or something, because that tribal with Cirie was just ridiculous. I wasn't at all surprised that Sarah won, she really seemed to be controlling so much of the game.