
I agree with you. The first season did make an attempt to stick more to the books, but this season they're just doing their own thing pretty much and it isn't working as well for me.

I was rooting so much for Bobbie to just tell the truth about what she saw, and once she started to slip and tell the truth I was so happy but then she went back to her fake story and I was kind of disappointed, but at least she put some of the truth out there and they can maybe start to look into what's happening.

I'm seriously considering dropping the show, or letting it sit on my DVR for a while before getting to it. I was just feeling pretty bored during this episode.

I thought they were going to vote out Sandra, to be honest. They know she's a huge threat but instead they went with Malcolm. At this rate I think she may win a third time.

Octavia trying to kill herself and then turning around to hook up with that guy was just strange.

I did totally forget this was going to be the Tolkien episode. When the writing was revealed by fire I just rolled my eyes because it was like the one ring.

The Barry/Kara friendship was nice to see, but the rest of the episode I just did not need. I think they should have maybe watched the musical episode Buffy did or something, and done something more along those lines. None of the songs were very catchy and the plot of the musical didn't even make any sense, it was

Chris Wood has also been dating his co-stars recently. When he was on TVD in Season 6 he briefly had a thing with Nina Dobrev, then he was on Containment and dated Hanna Mangan Lawrence.

I think she actually filed for divorce in December, so if it's finalized already that was quick.

That's how I feel as well.

I had to look up who Adam was, because I couldn't remember. He is Cat's son, right?

Chris & Melissa are apparently dating now, so I'm not sure what kind of effect that will have on their chemistry. I've noticed sometimes once actors start dating, or break-up it can sometimes negatively impact that.

Well, she was fired from her job so they didn't have to show CatCo anymore. I do think they need to find her something else to do though, so it's not all just DEO and relationship drama stuff.

I like Mon El, more than a lot of other people seem to, but I do think it would make the most sense for his character to reunite his planet. That is a good cause too. I don't think he should have to be around Kara to be a good person, I think he needs to figure out how to do it on his own.

I really hope he won't be.

I didn't even realize there were two episodes left until the promo.

This is the only episode I've watched so far.

But Kai she stuck in a prison world, that was just created, so he's presumably sill there.

I really hope they figure out how to get Alice out of Quentin and find a way to help Julia.

Yeah, they really need to do something about that. I think another episode has a similar issue, but it was really apparent with this one.