
I lot of the politics I have a hard time with, because I just can't sympathize with the characters who make decisions like spacing people just because they're not Belters.

I don't think the show gives them food though, unless it's a reward. I remember in past seasons they ran out of rice and had to ask Jeff for more, and they'd have to give up something in order to get it.

I enjoyed the prior tribal council a lot more. Caleb getting voted out was really predictable, and not as entertaining as Tony going out and it being between him and Sandra. Now they're just picking off people from the opposing tribe.

I liked that he took responsibility for that and understood she may have some resentment towards him because of it.

I think part of this season is very predictable, because every time they think they have the answer or something to help them get there, it goes wrong. I just knew the fuel wasn't going to get there successfully or they'd have some other problem along the way.

I did like this more than The Flash.

I dislike how Barry's bad decisions keep leading to negative consequences for others. Jay shouldn't have been the person stuck there, Barry should have been because all of this now is because of Flashpoint.

The TVD finale also reminded me a lot of Lost. Some of the characters on Lost died well after the show's timeline and others died during the show - yet none of them actually looked older than we'd seen the characters before. So I think because I've seen something so similar, it didn't bother me at all.

I'll be glad when this season is over, because I really just cannot stand the Saviors and I just want to be rid of them.

I'm really over the way the show continues to insert new drama into the characters' pasts. Each time we seem to get a new character, suddenly someone has a past with that character or stuff like what they did in this episode and it creates some new drama from the past. We're in Season 6 now, so I feel like any drama

I think he only recognized him when August gave him the picture from the book at the end, because all of a sudden it dawned on him that he'd killed him and remembered him.

Alaric is appearing in one episode. It's not like he's going to be a regular and there's been no confirmation on Caroline, but IF she's in the show at all I think it'll be the series finale.

I don't think she was actually young, I think that her spirit just got to appear young - a lot like the characters on Lost who in the afterlife still looked young even if they weren't going to die for years to come.

The Originals finished shooting Season 4 in December, and that will most likely be the final season and I think they know it, because Joseph has been going out for pilots and landed the X Men one for Fox.

I'm pretty sure he was born in Ohio, but he lived in London for a while.

I honestly don't think it's going to improve. The quality of The Originals is pretty terrible and nothing that I've seen in the interviews makes me think anything will change.

I think Kevin always like Stelena more, but Julie liked Delena.

The Alaric cross-over was announced in November by TVLine. The original press release said he was going to The Originals in order to give Elijah some sort of artifact. Then Matt Davis allegedly said at some convention that the twins crossed over with him. The writers on The Originals said Alaric will have scenes with

Elena said she went off to medical school, but then decided to move home to Mystic Falls so I assume she got a job in a hospital or something. Caroline probably somehow compelled Damon a birth certificate/driver's license/SSN so he'd be able to live a life and marry Elena.

Bonnie destroyed hell, Stefan sacrificed himself to get rid of it and then everyone would be able to find "peace".