
"Elena was a doppelganger. Stefan didn’t ruin her life or make her dark; bad things were coming for her no matter what."
The bottom line is, Elijah always planned to save the life of the
doppelganger, Elena would have survived breaking the curse, Klaus would
have realized he needed her blood to make hybrids, then found

Damon & Stefan are clearly the worst. Caroline & Enzo are murderers, the humans like Matt & Peter would be way down at the bottom of the list, but I think maybe it's because of what Cade told Stefan about how he craves people like Elena, who are on the verge of going dark but may presently be decent people.

I assumed Dominic Purell would have a large role in Prison Break, unless they're going to use less of him than they did in the original show.

From the promos I didn't realize he was going to be a hallucination, so it was a bit of a let down, but I do think he's supposed to be in an upcoming 2017 episode as well, so hopefully he'll be real in that one.

I think time travel on this show works kind of like it does on Doctor Who.

Has the show been renewed for another season?

I think it's Earth 2 Laurel, who Barry had put in his pipeline, and I think they neglected to tell the Arrow people about Black Siren. How she escaped I don't know, but I think that's more likely than it being Earth 1 Laurel back from the dead.

To be honest, I don't like Ivar. Maybe that will change, but so far from what I've seen of him I don't find him likable or a character that I can root for.

I can't believe the finale is next week, when we still have 6 people left. I wonder if for some reason they didn't air the show a week they had planned on or something.

I assumed he was talking about a previous Ghost Rider character, such as Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch.

The ending left me confused. How could there be two Mays?

I've been over the whole mentality that it's okay for Barry to risk his life as soon as he got powers, but it's not okay for Wally since it started. I hope them giving him the suit means that they won't keep trying to bench Wally all the time.

Whenever Lorelai & Rory went to Friday night dinners, they always had drinks and Lorelai often had many martinis, then drove home and yet Emily was the only character ever arrested for DUI.

It does mean if the show had ended earlier than expected that either Dean or Jess would have been the father, and they would have been Rory's Christopher, which is just ridiculous to me.

Liz & TJ weren't in it at all, just mentioned and Luke & Jess would see them off-screen.

"What are you doing with this guy? This is the kind of guy we used to make fun of".

I'd really like it if Rory has a boy as well.

Even picking up from Season 6, a lot doesn't make sense to me. I feel like the audience (and the actors too apparently) were just not given a complete story, which is really unfortunate.

The Rory/Logan plotline still has the biggest issues for me. I thought Season 7 was better on that front, to be honest. I also just can not get behind ASP's statement about things being full circle and Christopher = Logan and Jess = Luke, not to mention all of Rory's boyfriends have had elements of Christopher in them

I still don't get why the Saviors would want Negan as a leader. I don't see any reason these people follow him, they have the numbers and could kill him and pick a different leader.