
I meant, why wouldn't Cade want her instead?

What about Valerie?

I really miss Bonnie being involved in the actual plot. She was last season and has been in the past, this is the first time she's just off with her boyfriend and has no connection to the main plotline.

It is kind of Caroline's fault, but not directly. The real threat is having the Salvatores in their lives, because when they lived in Texas it seemed like they had peaceful lives. It was the decision to move back to Mystic Falls and get dragged back into the crazy that was a mistake.

He's not Lucifer, and unlike Supernatural, TVD has never introduced religion into the mythology. Like Qetsiyah, this guy just created this other dimension. It's not the Judo-Christian hell, and they could probably destroy it just like the did The Other Side.

Alaric had the right to take his kids to Dallas. It's never been clear to me why he allowed the move back to MF, rather than staying put. Damon/Stefan do have a tendency to wreck the lives of the people around them, but Seline took the girls because of who they are - not because of the people in their lives. They were

Like a lot of other people, I felt the musical was just too long. I think it should have been about the length of Fiddler on the Roof (when they did that as a play) and they also should have included characters we were familiar with, like casting Kirk or someone to be in the play.

As of right now I'm still really skeptical of that and think it might be terrible.

Then why would they not know she was there? Surely someone would have thought to check if Kara was there or not. I always assumed that Clark & Kara just never came to Earth on Earth 1.

At the start of Arrow wasn't Sara still League or Assassins? I think it was after Oliver/Diggle/Felicity teamed up that Sara came to town.

I've noticed they have decided now that they want to ignore the fact that Sara is bisexual. On LoT she's hooked up with women, but no men. I think they could have better representation, and I think Sara is the only bisexual character on any of the 4 shows.

I have never seen Superman Returns so I didn't get it at all, and it was only when I saw someone explain it that I got it.

That sort of bothered me in The Flash episode. Kara didn't need to know, but I thought they'd all catch up and someone would tell someone else about Dhark working with a time-traveling speedster. Maybe Sara could have mentioned it to Oliver or something, and Barry may have realized it could be Thawne. I actually

I think Nate's costume should be re-worked.

Yeah, they're just not fleshed out characters right now, so I'm hoping that will change. I'm also hoping they'll be more likable than Ivar.

Haven't they already confirmed we'll see Laurel later in the season?

I did, but I knew with the spin-off that obviously Raylicity was not going to last.

I think we're supposed to see more of Katie, at least that's what it's sounded like will happen. I think we're supposed to see her again on Arrow later in the season.

This was the 100th episode of Arrow, so I think they really did want to focus on that aspect and find a way to show us past characters (so we got Laurel & the Queens along with some of the villains). We had a lot of Sara & Ray, who are the LoT characters that originated on Arrow and have histories with the characters

I've read elsewhere that they possibly cut a lot.