
Great post, but I have to admit, there are some posters here who are coming to realize how pathetic Mellie's character has become. She's was begging Fitz like he was her meth dealer. Now she's wants to destroy Olivia, all while being a freshman Senator.

How many night stalker' movies are they going to make? What's next, another Ted Bundy movie? This is actually going to be at the movie theater?

Yes, I am bias. The show that brought in many viewers based on the relationship of Olivia and Fitz. The promotion of the couples on several talk shows and photo shoots on magazine publications. All promoting the romance of the lead couple. I guess ABC promotion/marketing department are all Olitz shippers, because

Oh, I watch the entire episodes, have since the beginning. However, Fitz is only horrible if he’s in love with Olivia. I guarantee if the the writers would have shown Fitz begging Mellie for a new start or kissing her on her forward, this reviewer would have love it. It’s funny how even after Fitz has thrown Mellie

You don't have to explain. How is Mellie eligbile to run for senator? There are alot of things on Scandal that we don't receive an explaination. That's how Scandal has rolled for the last 4 seasons.

Dear reviewer, so you didn’t get the ending you wanted so an F for this episode? You didn’t get a big ole knock out love scene in the oval with Fitz and Mellie. Instead, you got the main couple of the damn show re-connecting. As a reviewer of an entertainment show, you should have known they would get back

Even with Scandal's ratings going down, The Blacklist is still getting extremely low ratings. So if any show needs to go, it should be the Blacklist.

I like this episode; it reminds me of why I continue to watch Scandal. I’m looking forward to the next couple of episodes. It will be interested to see what they do with Rowan. Like him or not, he’s one of the best villains on TV. Mellie and Fitz are extremely boring, they are like distant cousins. Hopefully next

The whole Mellie for POTUS storyline doesn’t appeal to me. It’s totally unbelievable, even for Scandal. I can take B6-13 (barely), Papa Pope, and a many of storylines, but not this one. Mellie only wants to be President because she feels she’s entitled. Telling her sister/half, “I am better than you,” is probably

Great post, this was an excellent episode. I don't need my head to explode every week with the OMG's moments. Scandal is an established veteran show. You can't help but feel the love between Olivia and Fitz. All of the couples that have been involved on Scandal don't demonstrate the same passion/chemistry. Their

Bravo to Shondaland for giving the fans excellent programming week after week. I'm glad I can watch a show like Scandal and not get the same old storylines with the same rehashed actresses/actors that we have seen for years. The success of Scandal has set a precedent for other networks to cast black actresses/actors

Mellie is not hot right now, no more than any other supporting character on Scandal. Olivia Pope is Scandal and Scandal is Olivia Pope. ABC knows who the bread and butter is on this show and its not Bellamy Young. That would be tv ratings sucide. All of the new shows with black actresses and cast members that have

Great post. Finally, someone with good common sense.

Scandal is and will always be about Olivia Pope, without her character this show goes down the tubes and in the ratings. Why would anyone want Fitz with Mellie? It makes Mellie look even more pathetic. When your husband, who is POTUS starts a war for the woman he loves to get her back home safely, does that tell the

That's it, why are the writers afraid to just let Liv and Fitz be together? Everybody within there circle knows about the affair. Is this the way their affair will be introduced, via the kidnapping? I love this show, for some reason Scandal is the only show I have to watch live.

Is Mellie still married to Fitz?

I loved that this episode focused on Olivia. It was refreshing not to hear Mellie whining and screaming at Fitz to leave Olivia alone. Enough, it’s time to move Scandal into other storylines. Olivia and Fitz will never be over, their chemistry is too great. They can exist as the main couple, but so can other

Olivia Pope will always be the center of Scandal. The show is about her, which is based on the real life character Judy Smith. After lAst season the fans spoke loud and clear, we wanted the show to get back to its core, which is Olivia, just as it was in S1 and 2.

Olivia Pope is Scandal and Scandal is Olivia Pope. Everyone else exist through her character. Mellie exist because she's Fitz wife, doesn't mean she not interesting, so are all the other supporting players on this show. Papa Pope, Cyrus, Abby, Huck, Quinn, David, hell even the hit man Charlie is an interesting

Thank you, I loved this episode. The opening scene was great. Single people are allowed to be in love or in lust with two people, this happens all the time. Olivia is a smart, intelligent woman who's in love with two men, but Fitz is her soulmate. I don't know if i"m ready for the take down of Papa Pope, it won't be